
Showing posts from December, 2013

Accepting the way it comes! 3 Buddha Stories

01 Once it happened, a man was very angry with Buddha. He was angry because Buddha appears to have asserted something which was against his creed on a earlier day. He came to Buddha and shouted aloud with abusing language. Buddha listened to him very quietly, but with due compassion, and asked him, if he has more to say.  The man shouted further more at Buddha, and even went to the extent of spatting on his face! Buddha wiping his face, asked the man again, if he has more to say or do to show his point of view. The man could not believe the action of Buddha, as he expected some reaction or reply from Buddha justifying the assertion on the earlier day. He went away confused with Buddha's way of action. The whole night, he thought about his own action.  He felt that he might have over reacted to Buddha, as he might have misunderstood  Buddha's assertion of that earlier day. He also felt guilty.  Next day, the man came again to Buddha. And said sorry to Buddha.  Buddha listened to