
Showing posts from August, 2020



Recycle Bin

πŸ‘† An article on Autophagy based on research of Dr.Yoshinori Ohsumi appeared in Also interesting 4 Langanams hereπŸ‘‡


A FM's Radio frequency remaining the same, We hear different RJ at different times But all represent the one and same FM frequency. Metaphorically, The soul is like the FM frequency, continuously The RJ are different forms of the same soul manifesting itself. Life at Soul is in continuity, manifesting in different forms. In forms, an end is a beginning, a beginning is an end. Life is a series of recycling. The soul expressing itself in one form and reappearing in another form, continuously. End of a seed is beginning of a sprout. End of sprout is beginning of a tree. End of a flower is beginning of a fruit End of a fruit is beginning of a seed. Transcending a form is transformation. Life is often uncertainty. But one thing certainly happens once in a life time. For everybody. I learnt that, death can be understood as having three components. The Physical or biological, I have experienced by others death. Certainly, I will not experience my death other th