Break the Limiting belief
On May 6, 1954, the Roger Bannister did what no man could possibly do previously. Bannister became the first man to break the 4 minute mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds in England on a windy day. * Prior to that day, it was commonly accepted that no man could break the 4 minute mile barrier. It was believed that the 4 minute mile was physically impossible. And it was commonly accepted. It was a fact. * The reality was... The four minute mile was a psychological barrier more than anything else! * Power Thought… The power of your mind is incredible. Your “limiting beliefs” or “mental barriers” are profoundly more powerful than physical. * Bannister wasn ’t alone in his new paradigm. Once it became mentally feasible, others would join him… # Within 56 days, John Landy broke Bannister’s record in 3 minutes & 57.9 seconds in Finland. # By 1957, 16 other runners had also broken the 4 minute mile So, If we think we can, we can. We can break any of our limiting belief system. How to brea...