Ramki Now


When I start exploring me, as of NOW, I feel proud about me. Instantly my mind reminds one of my core belief system: “I am, because of what I am today, neither because of what I was yesterday nor because of what I will be tomorrow”.

As of NOW, I may be HIS spirit, belief and values, thoughts, words, actions, habits, character, behavior, potential and capabilities (Strength and weakness), connections and environment (opportunity and threats), etc and more than that. I am still exploring.

As of NOW, I consider that I am a multi-dimensional personality playing multiple roles - Myself as a servant of God, as primary connector for my 1st family members and as a mediator for the rest connections.

For myself: “I am here to explore the divine purpose of this universe to unfold and that is how important I am”. I keep exploring.

I have some firm beliefs including the faith on God, its divine purpose of continued creation and I act as a tool for such creation. I keep exploring the discovery of the divine purpose.

I am bestowed by HIM with all the required potentials. I have discovered some of the potentials and keep exploring the discovery of such potentials.

I believe that “Life is not what happens to us or what we get; it is what we consciously create with all the potential we have”. So, I keep acting by using some of the discovered potentials, as guided by inner voice, without a judgment or expectation of any result. I keep putting my efforts to use the undiscovered and unused potentials.

I believe that I neither faced any failure nor reached an ultimate success in my life as on date. I am still in the journey. I believe that “Life is Limited and the Living can be unlimited”.

I do commit mistakes in terms of my action, behavior etc. But, I am guided by HIM to take better route and I consider that as misinterpretation of my inner voice. I take that opportunity as an opportunity for learning. At the same time, I always take pride in what ever I have done, because I always act as a tool for HIS divine purpose.

For my Family members: With prioritization, I support as a duty, as a representative of the God, my 1st family - my wife and especially my son, studying 3rd year B.E (Bi0-Tech) at Birla Institute of technology, Ranchi and my daughter, studying 2nd year PUC at Bangalore, with lots of love and care. I look after their wants and needs to the best of my potentials. I also give need based support to my parents, brother, sisters and also many other blood relationships.

For other connections: As a next priority, I also support the other relations/connections, I have as on date, both social and; business, with equal love and care. At present, I am running an institution named Brainobrain Karnataka for over 3000 children aged between 5 to 14 years, for their brain processing development, using the concept like Abacus etc. The institution has 40+ centers run by 65+ women faculties well empowered by Brainobrain.


MY PURPOSE: Why I am here?: I am here for a divine purpose to act
MY IDENTITY: Whom I am?: I am a Multi dimensional personality
: What is important to me?: I am here to act and keep acting
: How I do?: I have all the potentials, I keep exploring them
: How I am doing?: I act with love and care
: With whom I am doing?: I keep and exploring the connection I have and I ever need

Still I am exploring, who I am. I am evolving.


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