
Showing posts from August, 2009

Soul Searched Messages till 4Sep09

1. V Need 2 think TWICE B4 V speak, BCas our words will plant D seed of Success or Failure in D mind of another. And in turn many others'' mind 2. My Actions keep impacting actions in other's Life & tht in turn another’s. D Rippling effect wil never stop & go places 4 beyond imagination 3. I need tranquility. So I practice: “4Give D misdeeds of Others; 4Get D learned past incidents; 4Get not what I Got while I 4Get what I Gave" 4. V Hav 2 Great days in our life:The Day VR Born & The Day V achieve why VR born.Can U Make a Diff' UR Birth & Living? 5. My purpose of living is 2 "live every moment" "as it comes" while making a difference as much I can wit all D potential I hav.Wht about urs? 6. D World is as I hear, C & at this time/space, is perceived diff’ by others & it changes wit D time/space, whn learning is open. Isn't? 7. I think holding