Soul Searched Messages till 4Sep09

1. V Need 2 think TWICE B4 V speak, BCas our words will plant D seed of Success or
Failure in D mind of another. And in turn many others'' mind

2. My Actions keep impacting actions in other's Life & tht in turn another’s. D Rippling effect wil never stop & go places 4 beyond imagination

3. I need tranquility. So I practice: “4Give D misdeeds of Others; 4Get D learned past incidents; 4Get not what I Got while I 4Get what I Gave"

4. V Hav 2 Great days in our life:The Day VR Born & The Day V achieve why VR born.Can U Make a Diff' UR Birth & Living?

5. My purpose of living is 2 "live every moment" "as it comes" while making a difference as much I can wit all D potential I hav.Wht about urs?

6. D World is as I hear, C & at this time/space, is perceived diff’ by others & it changes wit D time/space, whn learning is open. Isn't?

7. I think holding firm belief systems place rigidity in me.Observing anew in everything place flexibility in a non-stop learning.Wht abt U

8. It’s interesting to know that when an egg broken 4m inside a life begins & when broken 4m outside D life ends. Think what this mean 2 u?

9. 2day I’ll practice appreciation of all D goodness in everyone who come across in person & in my memory. Wld U also lik 2 do so?

10. 2 day I’ll practice 4giving all D past ill feelings, in my memory abt myself & others 2 discharge all negative emotions in me. Wht abt U

11. Y.Day:Any of our ill feeling on others creates a -ve emotions in our body tht can affect our Life.Hence better 2 discharge D same 4m memory

12. 2day I’ll practice 2witness every moments an opportunity tht creates miracles in my life 2manifest wonderful Changes in me.Wht abt u?

13. 2day I’ll practice 2 express positive emotion wit everyone whom I across–in person or phone & Bcum an instrument of Charge. Wht abt u?

14. 2Day I’ll practice 2 make internal dialogues 2 realize D intention behind my physical manifestation – present life. What abt u?

15. I realize tht D INTENTION of my physical manifestation is 2 play all D Diff roles I’m geting & MARK a Diff in whtever I do.Wht u realize

16. A thought that sounds foolish to the wise is likely that it sounds wise to the foolish. What do you think?

17. I''m Spiritual body hvg Human Exp.So I’m WITNESSING wht my body & mind actually
do 2 meet my "intent" of journey at every milestone

18. Lif is wht happens whn I’m making next steps-So D beauty lies in accepting it as it comes while I continue 2 work as I want. Wht do u think?

19. Our physical & mental “form” keep changing trans'form'ing every second 2 new form, still VR constant. D fact is V live beyond “form”.Is not?

20. It’s my pleasure tht U subscribed 4 TOD. Subscription fee:Make a diff 2 D life of many others by first making D diff at UR end. Share TOD.

21. 29-Jun-09: Hw do U 4C a child? As an Entity 2 Live 4 a Ltd Life-Time or a Seed 4 creating NxtGens? Equally Hw abt u? R U Finite or Infinite? Xplore U!

22. Wht seems painful,evil,nasty in Lif is a SOURCE of Beauty,Joy,Strength,Whn faced wit an open mind.Wil U resist or ACCEPT wht comes in?

23. Hvg accepted wht came in, I choose 2 work wit all D potentials 2 CHANGE wht I need NOW while I continue 2 accept NOW wht I need not

24. It’s good 2 WORK 2 CHANGE wht I NEED 2 while I ACCEPT wht I NEED NOT CHANGE,how do U identify D latter?One is prioritization.Wht else?

25. G.Ngt. Adv.TOD25 for tomorrow:I realize how nice it'll B 2 loose D need 2 prove myself or justify my belief or judge others? Wht do u think?

26. A V.GOOD nurse whn gav a medicine 2 a patient dies & relatives blames her.If V need not prove ourselves, shd she accept or shd prove herself?

27. I’ll take some time off 2day 2 B silent-without an effort-2 Feel,experience & observe,not absence of speech but my innate nature. Wht abt u?

28. I want 2B Bold during bad times;2B Broad during good times-as both times R not permanent.GAM ZEH YA AVAR=THIS TOO SHALL PASS.Isn’t it?

29. I realize tht D future comes one day at a time;So,if I take care of D moments,D years wil tak care of themselves. Wht do u think?

30. I create my 'own' reality within a synchronized universe. So I 'own' respy 4 my perception, action, experience, contribution. Wht do u think

31. Living is a form-not being sure,not knowing wht is nxt & how?Stil is it not worth 2 liv in PRESENT & act NOW wit a deep DESIRE & a firm HOPE.

32. Any lesson 4m Past tht applied NOW & any planning of future tht is acted on NOW by using D mind & not mind using U,is LIVING in PRESENT.

33. I observe wit WOW D intelligence in every living being,incl my body.This puts me 2 live in present wit aceptance of wht comes 2 me.Wht abt U

34. I observe as I progress & keepActing 4 nxt progress as I NEED,not worrying/regretting 4 wht I donot hav.All of R Work-in-progress.Wht abt U?

35. V R always in a state of transition, evolving, developing, growing etc happening. It happens in a pace as V need than as V want.

36. All of us R in our own paths,doing exactly wht V R endowed wit D moment by universal forces.Still all of us R in harmony wit D destination!

37. I surrender my Intentions 2 universal forces 2 tak care.I wil pay attention 2 my actions wit joy thn harping on destination.Wht do u think?

38. Each one of us R responsible all D time 4 their own thoughts, feelings & actions - 2 blame others is fooling oneselves. Tht's responsibility

39. Whtever I achieved, they R due 2 D actions of many around me–universal forces.So I surrender those achievements with all Credit 2 thm.

40. Map is not D territory.So is D perception-B wiser 2 tak D world without boundaries-Not a world inside us as perceived but as part of D world

41. I VALUE many tht R NOT MEASURABLE lik beauty in a child,butterfly,flower,bird,worms,human etc.I may COUNT few MEASURABLES lik wealth,age etc

42. Changing D face can make no change.Facing D change can make a diff.B D change U wish 2 C in D world.B flexible.Allow Life 2 flow lik a river

43. I realize tht all MY OBSERVATIONS R MEMORIES & INTERPRETATIONS as PROCESSED by my mind wit INPUTS “AS & WHN” OBSERVED thru my Body-senses

44. How 2 ‘COME OUT of a problem’?Just ‘COME OUT of D problem’ by ‘STEP IN’ 4 solutions.If V keep THINKING Abt IT,IT remains wit us.Chuck IT Out

45. Whn U come out of Prob,there R many WAYS.Keep searching wht is NXT.ACT on D solutions,til U resolve,as there is no ready made solution 4 U

46. If U desire 2 B AWAY 4M PROB,practically U wil remain there.If U ACT TOWARDS SOLUTIONS,they wil flow.Fixing D One tht suits U is Ur Learning

47. Whn Prob comes,whn I react OH!,I get sunk.Whn I respond,'AH!Got a Opportunity',I raise up.D diff is just “Oh or Ah”-World of Diff,isn’t it?

48. Every breath, thoughts, emotions & perceptions goes on & off all D time & R always temporary. Think wht stays wit us permanently all D time?

49. Doing wht V love is Chance.Loving wht V do is Choice.B flexible 2 hav both worlds.V Bcum truly accomplished whn V love 100% of wht V R doing

50. Pursue all tht U love & Do them wit passion, such tht people around U can’t tak their eyes off 4M U. U wil hav only Joy & no regret in life

51. I need not worry abt those things 4 which I donot control.However I am only responsible 4 D mishappenings.There is a lesson in each of them.

52. I create my own reality within this perfectly synchronized world.No need 2 blame anyone 4 any mishappening 2 me–They R lesson 4 me 2 buildup

53. I notice D realization,awareness & changes in me whn recall all D 50+ TODs. 1.Wht do u notice? 2.Can U describe Life exactly in 3 words?

54. Recall Multiplication rules in Maths: +ve X +ve or -ve X –ve results in +ve. But +ve X -ve or -ve X +ve results in –ve. How relevant 2 Life?

55. V can giv away only wht V hav inside–be it love or anger.If V donot hav,V simply cannot giv.V can restructure D inside 2 giv best out of us

56. Whatever I perceive abt D world-I hav D same STRUCTURE in me.If I view one is lying-I hav a structure of lying in me. Wht do Think abt this?

57. No need 2B serious in anything wht V do 2 loose enjoyment; Enough tht V R sincere 2Giv 100% of ourself spontaneously & playfully in wht V do

58. V can C,HEAR,FEEL things as they R by dropping Comparing,Complaining,Criticizing,Condemning,Judgment,Analyzing,etc & by JUST OBSERVING

59. Making a Living 2day is not Making a Life. Making a Life is Living Even after Life, by Living in hearts of many, by making a living 4 them.

60. Due to social conditioning,V forgotten tht V hav all D intelligence within us tht V ever need-Either used less or not used them.Wht U think?

61. VCan Neither predict D storms-Nor re-direct them,as V want. Instead of sinking wit wht happens,VCan adjust D sail by giving OUR BEST EFFORTS

62. 2 type of people.One type critically evaluates, judges, advices etc of life happening & struggles thru life even wit changes he need not do

63. The other one accepts D life happening as auspicious as it is wit its own diff’ dimensions & paradoxes only 2 work on D changes he need 2 do

64. Paying FULL ATTN 2 USE all D power within us & acting INTERNALLY as HE directs will mak a diff 4m D rest-who just rest on externally reasons

65. Pleasure or Pain,though appears 2 us as happening due 2 external reasons,in Reality it is verbalization or visualization of D mind.Thinking?

66. How do U want 2 LUK at D Life? Telescopic (externally) 2 C an infinity of vastness or microscopic (internally) 2 C an infinity of minuteness

67. Luk Life either telescopically or microscopically,one at a time.Thereafter, U can C the beauty of infiniteness,even whn UC in a plain mirror

68. Only whn every part in our body wrk together,V Get harmony.Similarly whn everybody in family/company/country work together,V wil Get harmony

69. Each one of us has a wonderful destiny tht VR capable of achieving,if V just pay Full ATTENTION 2 every steps that V tak NOW towards that.

70. It’s futile to stop a gushing river but it is fun 2 go wit D flow.Better 2 surrender to swim or sail on a boat,using all potential U hav NOW

71. Some of us hold some excuses as part of our living style. I bring 2 my awareness one per day. May be it can bring some awareness U may need.

72. Excuse 1:THIS WILL B/GOING 2 B DIFFICULT-I will replace this wit:I hav all D ability 2 accomplish any task I set my mind with ease & comfort.

73. Excuse 2:IT’S TOO BIG:Replace with:I think only about what I can do now.By chunking small,I will accomplish great things in a matter of time

74. XCUSE 3:THAT‘S D WAY I WAS BROUGHT UP:Replace:I’m grateful 4 all of my life experiences as a child.I live in present wit respy 4 all action

75. XCUSE 4:I DONOT HAV TIME: Replace:As I mak my life uncluttered, I free myself 2 answer D priorities of my heart & create value 4 D time spent.

76. Xcuse 5:I DONOT HAV D ENERGY 2 DO THIS: Replace:Whn I feel passionate abt my life, that passion fills me with all D excitement, joy & energy.

77. Xcuse 6: I CAN’T AFFORD 4 IT: Replace: I am connected 2 an unlimited source of abundance. I am able 2 source them as and whn I pay attention.

78. 2 me everything in life has a b’ful beginning & end.Every end is Start of new beginning.Every beginning is Start of new end.Or all R moments

79. XCUSE7:I FEAR WHT WIL HAPPEN NXT(EVEN B4 I ACT):Replace:Nothing last 4ever.So I Liv it up fearlessly,2 laugh it out; 2 act in D PRESENT;2 rejoice&not regret;2 face D results as it coms 2 achieve D needs.I succeed anything whn I put my mind 2,bcas I’m not alone & am wit HIM

80. Xcuse8:Nobody is helping me.Replace:"Ask & it wil B given,seek & U wil find,knock & it wil B opened"(Mt.7:7)–ask/knock til I get wat I need

81. TOD81:Problems(Oh!) R Really Opportunities(Ah!) & R HIS Msg 2U 2 learn:Either 2 EXIST(Stay ON) or 2 EXIT(Stay OFF) wit wat V do 2 mak a Diff

82. TOD82:Ramana Maharishi in Tamil:Kandavar vindilar;Vindavar kandilar means:1 who has seen will not explain it; 1 tries 2 explain has not seen

83. Life is not a furnace that’s burning us,but it’s also 2 refine/transforming us into a better person,so long V donot let ourselves burnt away.

84. Our thoughts R like D seeds V plant in our garden;Our beliefs R like D soil in which V plant these seeds-Nurture D seed & Mak D soil fertile

85. Pareto rule says:80% result com 4M 20% of effort.By focusing on D 20% of life’s priorities,VCan achieve 80% of evrything in OUR Life.Is not?

86. After every action, sometimes V need 2 WAIT naturally,2 tak nxt actions. But why R V WAITING 4 a good time 4 an action,whn it can B done NOW. Hop V witness D diff bet’ WAIT 4 & WAITING 4. D Former wil bring a peaceful progress & latter may draw stressful actions. Wht do u say? D former is Patience.Later is procrastination/postponement of wat can B don now


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