1.              V Need 2 think TWICE B4 V speak, BCas our words will plant D seed of Success or Failure in D mind of another. And in turn many others'' mind
2.              My Actions keep impacting actions in other's Life & tht in turn another’s. D Rippling effect wil never stop & go places 4 beyond imagination
3.              I need tranquility. So I practice: “4Give D misdeeds of Others; 4Get D learned past incidents; 4Get not what I Got while I 4Get what I Gave" 
4.              V Hav 2 Great days in our life: The Day V R Born & The Day V achieve why VR born by Making a Diff' our Birth & Living
5.              My purpose of living is 2 "live every moment" "as it comes" while making a difference as much I can wit all D potential I hav.Wht about urs?
6.              D World is as I hear, C & at this time/space, is perceived diff’ by others & it changes wit D time/space, whn learning is open. Isn't?
7.              I think holding firm belief systems place rigidity in me.Observing anew in everything place flexibility in a non-stop learning.Wht abt U
8.              It’s interesting to know that when an egg broken 4m inside a life begins & when broken 4m outside D life ends. Think what this mean 2 u?
9.              2day I’ll practice appreciation of all D goodness in everyone who come across in person & in my memory. Wld U also lik 2 do so?
10.            2 day I’ll practice 4giving all D past ill feelings, in my memory abt myself & others 2 discharge all negative emotions in me. Wht abt U
11.            Any of our ill feeling on others creates a -ve emotions in our body tht can affect our Life.Hence better 2 discharge D same 4m memory
12.            2day I’ll practice 2witness every moments an opportunity tht creates miracles in my life 2manifest wonderful Changes in me.Wht abt u?
13.            2day I’ll practice 2 express positive emotion wit everyone whom I across–in person or phone & Bcum an instrument of Charge. Wht abt u?
14.            2Day I’ll practice 2 make internal dialogues 2 realize D intention behind my physical manifestation – present life. What abt u?
15.            I realize tht D INTENTION of my physical manifestation is 2 play all D Diff roles I’m geting & MARK a Diff in whtever I do.Wht u realize
16.            A thought that sounds foolish to the wise is likely that it sounds wise to the foolish. What do you think?
17.            I''m Spiritual body hvg Human Exp.So I’m WITNESSING wht my body & mind actually
do 2 meet my "intent" of journey at every milestone
18.            Lif is wht happens whn I’m making next steps-So D beauty lies in accepting it as it comes while I continue 2 work as I want. Wht do u think?
19.            Our physical & mental “form” keep changing trans'form'ing every second 2 new form, still VR constant. D fact is V live beyond “form”.Is not?
20.            It’s my pleasure tht U subscribed 4 TOD. Subscription fee:Make a diff 2 D life of many others by first making D diff at UR end. Share TOD.
21.            Hw do U 4C a child? As an Entity 2 Live 4 a Ltd Life-Time or a Seed 4 creating NxtGens? Equally Hw abt u? R U Finite or Infinite? Xplore U!
22.            Wht seems painful,evil,nasty in Lif is a SOURCE of Beauty,Joy,Strength,Whn faced wit an open mind.Wil U resist or ACCEPT wht comes in?
23.            Hvg accepted wht came in, I choose 2 work wit all D potentials 2 CHANGE wht I need NOW while I continue 2 accept NOW wht I need not
24.            It’s good 2 WORK 2 CHANGE wht I NEED 2 while I ACCEPT wht I NEED NOT CHANGE,how do U identify D latter?One is prioritization.Wht else?
25.            G.Ngt. Adv.TOD25 for tomorrow:I realize how nice it'll B 2 loose D need 2 prove myself or justify my belief or judge others? Wht do u think?
26.            A V.GOOD nurse whn gav a medicine 2 a patient dies & relatives blames her.If V need not prove ourselves, shd she accept or shd prove herself?
27.            I’ll take some time off 2day 2 B silent-without an effort-2 Feel,experience & observe,not absence of speech but my innate nature. Wht abt u?
28.            I want 2B Bold during bad times;2B Broad during good times-as both times R not permanent.GAM ZEH YA AVAR=THIS TOO SHALL PASS.Isn’t it?
29.            I realize tht D future comes one day at a time;So,if I take care of D moments,D years wil tak care of themselves. Wht do u think?
30.            I create my 'own' reality within a synchronized universe. So I 'own' respy 4 my perception, action, experience, contribution. Wht do u think 
31.            Living is a form-not being sure,not knowing wht is nxt & how?Stil is it not worth 2 liv in PRESENT & act NOW wit a deep DESIRE & a firm HOPE. 
32.            Any lesson 4m Past tht applied NOW & any planning of future tht is acted on NOW by using D mind & not mind using U,is LIVING in PRESENT.
33.            I observe wit WOW D intelligence in every living being,incl my body.This puts me 2 live in present wit aceptance of wht comes 2 me.Wht abt U
34.            I observe as I progress & keepActing 4 nxt progress as I NEED,not worrying/regretting 4 wht I donot hav.All of R Work-in-progress.Wht abt U?
35.            V R always in a state of transition, evolving, developing, growing etc happening. It happens in a pace as V need than as V want. 
36.            All of us R in our own paths,doing exactly wht V R endowed wit D moment by universal forces.Still all of us R in harmony wit D destination!
37.            I surrender my Intentions 2 universal forces 2 tak care.I wil pay attention 2 my actions wit joy thn harping on destination.Wht do u think?
38.            Each one of us R responsible all D time 4 their own thoughts, feelings & actions - 2 blame others is fooling oneselves. Tht's responsibility
39.            Whtever I achieved, they R due 2 D actions of many around me–universal forces.So I surrender those achievements with all Credit 2 thm.
40.            Map is not D territory.So is D perception-B wiser 2 tak D world without boundaries-Not a world inside us as perceived but as part of D world
41.            I VALUE many tht R NOT MEASURABLE lik beauty in a child,butterfly,flower,bird,worms,human etc.I may COUNT few MEASURABLES lik wealth,age etc
42.            Changing D face can make no change.Facing D change can make a diff.B D change U wish 2 C in D world.B flexible.Allow Life 2 flow lik a river
43.            I realize tht all MY OBSERVATIONS R MEMORIES & INTERPRETATIONS as PROCESSED by my mind wit INPUTS “AS & WHN” OBSERVED thru my Body-senses
44.            How 2 ‘COME OUT of a problem’?Just ‘COME OUT of D problem’ by ‘STEP IN’ 4 solutions.If V keep THINKING Abt IT,IT remains wit us.Chuck IT Out
45.            Whn U come out of Prob,there R many WAYS.Keep searching wht is NXT.ACT on D solutions,til U resolve,as there is no ready made solution 4 U
46.            If U desire 2 B AWAY 4M PROB,practically U wil remain there.If U ACT TOWARDS SOLUTIONS,they wil flow.Fixing D One tht suits U is Ur Learning
47.            Whn Prob comes,whn I react OH!,I get sunk.Whn I respond,'AH!Got a Opportunity',I raise up.D diff is just “Oh or Ah”-World of Diff,isn’t it? 
48.            Every breath, thoughts, emotions & perceptions goes on & off all D time & R always temporary. Think wht stays wit us permanently all D time?
49.            Doing wht V love is Chance.Loving wht V do is Choice.B flexible 2 hav both worlds.V Bcum truly accomplished whn V love 100% of wht V R doing
50.            Pursue all tht U love & Do them wit passion, such tht people around U can’t tak their eyes off 4M U. U wil hav only Joy & no regret in life
51.            I need not worry abt those things 4 which I donot control.However I am only responsible 4 D mishappenings.There is a lesson in each of them.
52.            I create my own reality within this perfectly synchronized world.No need 2 blame anyone 4 any mishappening 2 me–They R lesson 4 me 2 buildup
53.            I notice D realization,awareness & changes in me whn recall all D 50+ TODs. 1.Wht do u notice? 2.Can U describe Life exactly in 3 words?
54.            Recall Multiplication rules in Maths: +ve X +ve or -ve X –ve results in +ve. But +ve X -ve or -ve X +ve results in –ve. How relevant 2 Life?
55.            V can giv away only wht V hav inside–be it love or anger.If V donot hav,V simply cannot giv.V can restructure D inside 2 giv best out of us
56.            Whatever I perceive abt D world-I hav D same STRUCTURE in me.If I view one is lying-I hav a structure of lying in me. Wht do Think abt this?
57.            No need 2B serious in anything wht V do 2 loose enjoyment; Enough tht V R sincere 2Giv 100% of ourself spontaneously & playfully in wht V do
58.            V can C,HEAR,FEEL things as they R by dropping Comparing,Complaining,Criticizing,Condemning,Judgment,Analyzing,etc & by JUST OBSERVING
59.            Making a Living 2day is not Making a Life. Making a Life is Living Even after Life, by Living in hearts of many, by making a living 4 them.
60.            Due to social conditioning,V forgotten tht V hav all D intelligence within us tht V ever need-Either used less or not used them.Wht U think?
61.            VCan Neither predict D storms-Nor re-direct them,as V want. Instead of sinking wit wht happens,VCan adjust D sail by giving OUR BEST EFFORTS
62.            2 type of people.One type critically evaluates, judges, advices etc of life happening & struggles thru life even wit changes he need not do
63.            The other one accepts D life happening as auspicious as it is wit its own diff’ dimensions & paradoxes only 2 work on D changes he need 2 do
64.            Paying FULL ATTN 2 USE all D power within us & acting INTERNALLY as HE directs will mak a diff 4m D rest-who just rest on externally reasons
65.            Pleasure or Pain,though appears 2 us as happening due 2 external reasons,in Reality it is verbalization or visualization of D mind.Thinking?
66.            How do U want 2 LUK at D Life? Telescopic (externally) 2 C an infinity of vastness or microscopic (internally) 2 C an infinity of minuteness
67.            Luk Life either telescopically or microscopically,one at a time.Thereafter, U can C the beauty of infiniteness,even whn UC in a plain mirror
68.            Only whn every part in our body wrk together,V Get harmony.Similarly whn everybody in family/company/country work together,V wil Get harmony
69.            Each one of us has a wonderful destiny tht VR capable of achieving,if V just pay Full ATTENTION 2 every steps that V tak NOW towards that.
70.            It’s futile to stop a gushing river but it is fun 2 go wit D flow.Better 2 surrender to swim or sail on a boat,using all potential U hav NOW
71.            Some of us hold some excuses as part of our living style. I bring 2 my awareness one per day. May be it can bring some awareness U may need.
72.            Excuse 1:THIS WILL B/GOING 2 B DIFFICULT-I will replace this wit:I hav all D ability 2 accomplish any task I set my mind with ease & comfort.
73.            Excuse 2:IT’S TOO BIG:Replace with:I think only about what I can do now.By chunking small,I will accomplish great things in a matter of time
74.            XCUSE 3:THAT‘S D WAY I WAS BROUGHT UP:Replace:I’m grateful 4 all of my life experiences as a child.I live in present wit respy 4 all action
75.            XCUSE 4:I DONOT HAV TIME: Replace:As I mak my life uncluttered, I free myself 2 answer D priorities of my heart & create value 4 D time spent.
76.            Xcuse 5:I DONOT HAV D ENERGY 2 DO THIS: Replace:Whn I feel passionate abt my life, that passion fills me with all D excitement, joy & energy.
77.            Xcuse 6: I CAN’T AFFORD 4 IT: Replace: I am connected 2 an unlimited source of abundance. I am able 2 source them as and whn I pay attention.
78.            2 me everything in life has a b’ful beginning & end.Every end is Start of new beginning.Every beginning is Start of new end.Or all R moments
79.            XCUSE7:I FEAR WHT WIL HAPPEN NXT(EVEN B4 I ACT):Replace:Nothing last 4ever.So I Liv it up fearlessly,2 laugh it out; 2 act in D PRESENT;2 rejoice&not regret;2 face D results as it coms 2 achieve D needs.I succeed anything whn I put my mind 2,bcas I’m not alone & am wit HIM
80.            Xcuse8:Nobody is helping me.Replace:"Ask & it wil B given,seek & U wil find,knock & it wil B opened"(Mt.7:7)–ask/knock til I get wat I need
81.            TOD81:Problems(Oh!) R Really Opportunities(Ah!) & R HIS Msg 2U 2 learn:Either 2 EXIST(Stay ON) or 2 EXIT(Stay OFF) wit wat V do 2 mak a Diff
82.            TOD82:Ramana Maharishi in Tamil:Kandavar vindilar;Vindavar kandilar means:1 who has seen will not explain it; 1 tries 2 explain has not seen
83.            Life is not a furnace that’s burning us,but it’s also 2 refine/transforming us into a better person,so long V donot let ourselves burnt away.
84.            Our thoughts R like D seeds V plant in our garden;Our beliefs R like D soil in which V plant these seeds-Nurture D seed & Mak D soil fertile 
85.            Pareto rule says:80% result com 4M 20% of effort.By focusing on D 20% of life’s priorities,VCan achieve 80% of evrything in OUR Life.Is not?
86.            After every action, sometimes V need 2 WAIT naturally,2 tak nxt actions. But why R V WAITING 4 a good time 4 an action,whn it can B done NOW. Hop V witness D diff bet’ WAIT 4 & WAITING 4. D Former wil bring a peaceful progress & latter may draw stressful actions. Wht do u say? D former is Patience.Later is procrastination/postponement of wat can B don now
87.            As I drop my unwanted memories consciously, I focus on worth full memories & do add som mor wonderful memories & I get rejuvenated. Wat abt U?
88.            As a teacher,I am achieving D purpose of my life.Yes.2 learn a lot everyday 4m Kids & also share-2 mak a diff 2 me & them.Hapy teacher’s day
89.            2day I wil examine D LIMITS, NECESSITY & PERMANENCY of all label/relationship (Indian, Young, Teacher, friend, etc) D outside world given me
90.            2day I will examine D map of limits I believe abt myself 2 extend D territory by consciously counting all D potential inside me. How abt u?
91.            By THINKING GLOBAL & ACTING LOCAL,witness D unlimited potential inside us & D limits of labels assumed by us wit relevance 2 D outside world
92.            1) DAY BY DAY NOTHING CHANGES,BUT WHN U LOOK BACK EVERYTHING IS DIFF’ Is it a Perception? Or It is the reality? or…………… 2) DAY BY DAY EVERYTHING CHANGES,BUT WEN V LOOK "AS OF NOW" NOTHING APPEARS 2 HAV CHANGED. Is it a Perception? Or It is the reality?
93.            A SMile:D Lighting System of D Face;Cooling System of D Head;Healing System of D Heart;Booting System of D mind:B Smiling;Spread it 2 a MILE
94.            At Hapy Moments Praise HIM;At Difficult Moments Seek HIM;At Quiet Moments Worship HIM;At Painful Moments trust HIM;And Every moment tank HIM
95.            I may not hav everything I want. But I sure that I hav ample Opportunity 2 mak 2day or another day better than Y.Day That is called HOPE.Is not?
96.            Everyone will die once;Many die many times 2 mak a living.Only a Few live every moment [also in D hearts of many] without fearing abt death.
97.            Whn V accept others 4 wat they R without any judgment,VR connected wit thm & enriching our tranquility instantly.Is tht called love thyself?
98.            1 advice-keep learning;1 rqst-B opn 2 wat coms;1 wsh-keep wshing;1 lie-there is mor 2mrow;1 truth-NOW is permanent;1 hope-2mrow wil b better
99.            My outputs thru my thoughts,words,actions R reflection of D inputs I hold.If I improve my inputs,can improve my output.Thinking how 2 go abt
100.         2 change my output, i.e my thinking, language, behavior & many other form of response, reaction, contribution & other format of output, I keep altering (adding/deleting/modifying) the inputs already stored in me with a) Fresh Learning or b) Doing a Self Introspection etc. What is there in the bucket will come out in the mug. So keep checking the bucket
101.         TOD101:My Xisting Inputs/Learning=X.Fresh Inputs/Learning=Y.I tak Y as it comes.Then I ALTER X or Y [Add on, modify X, Delete X/Y] Wat abt U
102.         GOD answers our prayers in 3 ways;Wil giv if it’s good;Wil giv something else if it’s better,Wil wait & giv D best in HIS own time.Isn’t it?
103.         TOD for 20Sep:Dont depend only on UR EYES 2 C the REALITY.REALISATION can B the REAL EYES tat wil help us 2 RELAISE the REAL LIES around us.
104.         Iamnowhereinyourlife. How U Read this? I am now here in your life or I am nowhere in your life.Life is HOW U C.I am HERE in URlife.Isn’t it?
105.         We need not wait 2 take Right Decisions; We can take decisions & work thereafter 2 make them right. Because we have all D potential we Ever Need 2 Make D Decisions Taken As Right. That is Our Belief System & Capacity. Better we Check What is Our Behavior towards that!
106.         God answers our prayer immdly 2 increase our FAITH. Delays 2 increase our PATIENCE & PERSEVERANCE. Does not If HE knows that V can handle it
107.         Wen Questions R asked,instead of saying DON’T KNOW wit a tendency 2 stop,2 mak a progress,is it not better 2 say WILL FIND IT OUT,TEL ME etc
108.         All THOTS donot bcom WORDS.All tat contained in D BUCKET donot come 2 MUG.Is it coz,may B useless or may not B used or misused.
109.         Words germinating 4M thots leave my mouth,only wen fueled by my Heart.HE is dwelling in my Heart & directs wat is in D Bucket 2 flow 2 D mug
110.         My TODs fueled as words 2 me & they R not just sounds and symbols but R a powerful force 2 make a diff in our thinking, language and behavior pattern
111.         ACCEPT All(even abuses)tht Comes 2U thou U may Not AGREE 2 it,2 FIND in wht way UCan mak a Learning if any 4M tht or else U need 2 Reject it
112.         When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die,
let the world cry and you rejoice
113.         Wen U say,“I CAN NOT DO THIS” consciously find wat U say so is actually due 2 UR BELIEF(Confidence) or CAPACITY(Ability) or BEHAVIOR(Action)
114.         1.Xpect less 4m others 2 BCum happily satisfied.2.Xpect mor 4m U 2 BCum happily dissatisfied.1stgive growth, Externally & 2nd Internally
115.         The Fact is "we do not" & Not "we can not" in pursuing anything we need. No matter how much we have. What matters is what we do with what we already have. We may not do much to change what all we can have;  We can certainly change the way we use what we already have to create what more we need. We have all the resources what we ever need at every point of time. Even a pawn, if used well, will become the queen.
116.         Abundance:It wil mak us richer if keep thinking abt, talking abt & focusing on wat V hav & wat V DO rather thn wat V don't hav & V do not do
117.         U experience UR life thro physical & mental body.Will U pay ATTN 2 them,by giving D REQD Nutritional & Physical Exercise & Meditative habit?
118.         No one is inferior 2 others on all counts or Superior 2 D rest in all counts.No one is either a FULL DEFECT OR ZERO DEFECT--Every1 is unique
119.         I count all D blessing wht I hav NOW & by using thm all,I plan my 2day,so tht,I wil handle wat ever comes nxt 2 me in my future..I invite U2
120.         1:My Life is a Chess Game tht is played by me wit HIM.Wit every mov I mak (with my Choice),HE mak Nxt Move (wit my Consequence) & …2:challenged 2 use D potentials gvn 2 me.Stil playing.Who wil win?Mor thn tht I believe Playing wit HIM is Imp & Joy 4 me.How abt u?
121.         I thank HIM 4 D finger HE gav,without my asking 4, b4 I ask 4 a golden ring.I keep counting D blessings I keep getting,many without asking 4
122.         I choose 2B ALIVE consciously every moment wit Sat-Cit-Ananda & mak a diff 2 myself & others around me,2 LIVE a wonderful Life gifted by HIM
123.         Strength of urrelationship wit another one is directly proportional 2 quality & quantity of ur shared experiences wit thm. Wat do u think?
124.         Everything happen wit an INTENTION & ATTN consciously or unconsciously within me.So I become responsible 2 wat happens in my life.Wat abt u?
125.         I did not C UPs & Downs in my life by comparing 2 D past or future.Bcaz I work wit D blessing I hav NOW & enjoy every part of my journey NOW
126.         URconnected wit Others Only 4 period of TIME & U’ll come know only a PART of others.B gratitude 4 D Gvn TIME & 4 D Gvn PART & Make a Diff
127.         Despite Weather changes wit change in season,D CLIMATE of a place remains D same. Despite Situations changes, keep our ATTITUDE remain +ve 
128.         On action alone be thy interest,never on its fruits. Let not the fruits of action be thy motive,nor be thy attachment to inaction-Gita Chap2
129.         Many of life's failures R non realization of how close they are 2 success wen they gave up-Edison.Wen I stick on,I achieve wat I want 4 sure
130.         +ve pics come 4M -ve developed in D dark room;So if UR lonely in a dark status, B confident tat God is working wit 4 a beautiful pic 4M U
131.         Wen U think U hav no chance at getting wat U want,U probably won't get it,but if U believe in urself,U probably sooner or later wil get it
132.         God may not giv D people V WANT. But HE Gives whm V & wat V NEED-2 teach,2 hurt,2 love & 2 mak us exactly as V NEED 2 B best.Wat do u think?
133.         V donot bring/carry anything material. But,at BIRTH,V carry INTELLIGENCE thru DNA.At DEATH,V leave LEGACY behind 4 future generations.Think!
134.         I think:Life’s NOT abt wat happens or Wat I get as Debit-It’s abt all I Create(wit all D potential I hav)2 Giv others as Credit.Wat abt U?
135.         I asked a ROSE I plucked, Did U got hurt wen UR plucked-It said, No, I 4got my pain wen I saw tat I’m a cause 4 UR simle & I thank HIM 4 tat
136.         RESPONDING Vs REACTING: Wen Doc says,UR responding 2 medicine URrecovering & +ve 2 it; If he says, URreacting,URdeteriorating & –ve 2 it
137.         I witness everything in this world keep changing on its own accord
138.         As V mature to accept D life as it comes, i.e ACTUAL REALITY, V will loose any PERCEIVED REALITY (Expectation) & thereby conflict in life
139.         Xpress Gratitude not by mere words but also thru URwhole body brimming wit Smile, Tears, Hug, Hand-shake etc & also with enriched language
140.         Fiction of Mind 01-FEAR is an Imagination of D mind, Anxious, Apprehensive, Anticipative of a future happening. A gap bet Known & unknown
141.         Wen I fall,I get up-Whn hurt,I heal-Wen Iam lost,I get back-Whn troubled,I laugh at it,Wen despair,believe & hope-All BCas: My faith wit HIM
142.         V tune Radio 2 get a station V want & finetune 2 get it clearly.Likewise, V can Tune & Finetune our mind 2 get whatever V want in Life?
143.         Expect mor 4M self but less 4M others. Better, xpect nothing 4M others-B cool 2 accept only when they share & 2 share only when they ask 4. 
144.         Life is not a Journey 4M mother’s womb 2 funeral tomb. We can mak a diff in life by creating value 4 us & others,wit all D potentials V hav
145.         Whether it is an imaginary thought or reality & is a pain or pleasure,it get energized only wen Attn is paid-Dwindles,wen Attn withdrawn
146.         You get TREATED in life the way you teach people to TREAT you." – Wayne Dyer, Internationally renowned author and speaker. What do you think?
147.         Everyday,especially 2day, I feel Gratitude 2 HIM,the Creator & U,the Co-creators 4 participating in a meaningful creation of my living/being
148.         Time may make Us 2 4get some people–Some in my life had made me 2 4get D time I spend wit them.Recalling & paying gratitude 2 thm.Wat abt u?
149.         Wen U perceive a problem,UCan witnes D immature mind involved in it.Wen U seek 2 find solutions,UCan witnes D mature mind tat deals it. Yes?
150.         It is our senses tht interpret D raw data & create our own world of forms, colours, structures, map & territory.Can BCom conscious of this?
151.         Doing wat U like is a Chance & Liking wat U do is a Choice. Discover ur world even by taking chance then giv ur heart 2 it by UR choice.Yes?
152.         VCan LooK situations 4M a Level of Right & Wrong 2 Create Problems.Else LooK 4M a better level of Non-judgmental/neutral-2 See only solutions
153.         Why people play double role? One in words with another in their mind! Well let me believe that there is +ve intentions behind every behavior
154.         People may not act as I intent. I can as I intent. Wit THERE IS +VE INTENTIONS BEHIND EVERY BEHAVIOR I can respond 2 situations tan reacting
155.         Shl V Do everything 100% OUT OF happiness-NOT even 1% FOR happiness-by GRATEFULLY counting even 1% blessing V HAV thru HIM & our Co-creators
156.         TOD 4 22Nov: As long as U think D problem is out there, that very thought itself is the problem." ~ Stephen R. Covey, Motivational Trainer
157.         Learn 2 flow wit Present, 2 live without any WORRY. V suffer only BCas V all hav mastered D art of fighting D Present than living wit tat.
158.         I tune wit D Flow of PRESENT/NOW as I believe tht every moment is being observed & offered wit wat I need at tht moment by HIM. Wat U think?
159.         5 imp lessons 4m a pencil:1:Every thing U do,U leave a mark 2:U can always correct UR mistakes 3:Wht is imp is wat is inside (graphite) 4:In life U wil undergo painful sharpening 2 mak U better 5:2 B D best, U allow Urself 2 B held & guided by D hand (the GOD) tat holds u
160.         As I submit my INTENTION wit 100% Faith wit HIM, ten I keep acting wit FULL ATTN 2 D directions I get 4M HIM, I fulfil my INTENTION one day!
161.         Nothing can hold U down, Not even Gravity -Except ur mind-So Can U make ur life run so smoothly wit legs firmly on ground but ur head in sky
162.         Without giving up wat I am (xcept MY Spirit) & Without Changing MY components, path,approaches etc-Can I reach a destination ICan  & I Want?
163.         ICan Grow Beyond expectation in any profession I choose Wen I keep developing my APTITUDE(Potentials) while I keep a Right ATTITUDE(Mindset)
164.         2day is another day of my life 4 D add-on 2 blessings I keep getting. I Am committed 2 use them 2 MAK A DIFF’ 2 D WORLD as directed by HIM
165.         Thou Others R Connected wit me Only 4 period of TIME,they contribute meaningful PARTs of my life.I pay gratitude 2 thm 4 D Gvn TIME & PARTs
166.         D secret of health 4 both mind & body is not 2 mourn 4 D past,nor 2 worry abt D future,but 2 liv in present moment wisely & earnestly-Buddha
167.         Words tat Build relationship-I Lov U-I understand/respect U-Count on me-Go 4 it-U R right-I wil help-Tank U-Please-I miss U-Pl 4Giv me-More?
168.         Whatever we pay attn, it energizes. It I pay attn to –ve forces, it gets energizes. So only I pay attn to +ve forces, so that it gets energizes 2 create +ve action.
169.         God has a purpose 4 everything,4 everyone & D abundance HE has ALREADY given: John 15:2; Matt 13:12;Mark 4:25;It is our duty to use it full
170.         I do som Xtra 2 BCom Ordinary 2 XtraOrdinary.Xtra in terms of my Purpose, Identity, Belief, Capabilities, Behavior & Environment. Wat abt U?
171.         Think lik a Hero(who CanI help),Work lik an artist(wat else CanI try),Refus 2B Ordinary(pursu Xcellence) & Celebrate Life(But tak NO credit)
172.         Success is just 3 steps:Plant UR intention clearly.Figure out wat needs 2B done 2 achieve it.Pay Attn & Act wit perseverance–till U achieve
173.         I can B a VICTIM or an OWNER.As victim,I sit back blaming situations,people & circumstances.As owner I take responsibility 4 MY next action
174.         I DONOT MAK a flower 2 GROW in my garden, I do JUST FEW THINGS I NEED 2,4 it 2 APPEAR. My dreams blossom wen I DO WAT I NEED 2 WIT FULL ATTN
175.         Changing D face can mak no change of life situations.Facing D change & adopting to it can add value to life.B D change U wish 2 C in D world
176.         Successful people keep doing something tat they could do at every moment towards their dream. Rest keeps sitting & inquiring when & how 2 do
177.         4 a seed 2 sprout in2 a plant, it may B vulnerable 2 various risk by many. But ten 2 remain as a kernel is no better tan a pebble in D beach. And a Seed by nature having potential 2 become a tree & forest needs NURTURING by many parts like Soil,Water,Sunshine,GARDNER,Season etc
178.         HE is D architect of my life.I Am a sculptor 2 do lot of Hammering,Chiseling,Scrapping,Polishing etc of myself with D feedback life gives me
179.         Even in D Dictionary,Victory & Success comes after Dream,intention,Confusion,Planning,Attention,Action,Patience,Dedication,Perseverance,etc.
180.         Some people take in D Guidance,Support,Advice,Suggestion,Direction etc they get as hindrance. Well! They work 2 them as they think & take in
181.         When I GIV a value 2 U & is accepted by U, I feel so much thankful 2 U, 4 D Opportunity  I got 2 GIV than when I receive value addition 4M U
182.         Musk Deer do not know tat it produces Kasturi,a perfume but keep running in search 4 it everywhere..So do V not realizing wat is with in us?
183.         If D pearls R not polished,they wil not shine-Mary Persky.Well,is it BCas Pearls allows polishing (without resistance) by D hand it is held?
184.         Our Life is limited; But Our living can B made Unlimited,by giving living 2 as many as possible & making a difference 2 our living.Isn't it? 
185.         V do not share part of our life incidents wit even with near & dear wit some +ve intentions within us. It is OK 4 not sharing everything
186.         NLP TOD: V hav a structure within us of wat V C in others. So, V need 2 B the same way tat V desire 2 C others should B. Any feedback?
187.         3 Perceptive: 1. I am just a DROP 4m D Ocean; 2. I am PART & parcel of it; 3. I AM the Ocean. Each is true for oneself as being perceived
188.         LIVE and LOVE, a letter diff I & O but with a strong connection. Inside & Outside. 2 live inside us fully V need 2 Love all Outside us fully
189.         I believe tat Words germinating 4M thoughts leave mouth, only wen fueled by D Heart; HE dwells in D Heart; HE directs D flow 4M Bucket 2 mug
190.         There is as much room as our heart can conceive,as much room as our mind can believe & as much room as our attitude can take 2wards our Life
191.         An attempt to prove what is wrong finally ends with who is wrong. We cannot feel good in a relationship by making the other person feel bad
192.         GOD does answer every single prayer but in HIS own time.Sometimes wen a prayer is unanswered,tat is THE answer,BCas HE knows wat is HIS best
193.         7 Faces of Intentions:2 Love 1 & all,2B Kind 2 Others,2B Receptive,2C beauty in Truth/Honesty,2B Expansive,2 Appreciat Abundance,2B Creative
194.         Y.Day V read 7 faces of Intention. 2day Read D 7 Defaces of Intention (2B removed): Ego,Fear,Doubt,Anger,Hate,Resentment,Judgment & Anxiety
195.         Wen V choose 2 focus on all D abundance tat R PRESENT NOW,B grateful 2 tat wat V got,Use them 2 giv a value addn 2 others, VR really blessed
196.         A full stop brings an end 2 a sentence.A comma added below it (as semi colon) can bring a new beginning.Wat this means 2 urlife situations?
197.         I think A Relationship weakens wen one has 2 giv an explanation 2 PROVE TRUST. And Trust is Mutual Spontaneous Give & Get - Not Give & Take
198.         Rules of Multiplication: A +ve X a +ve results in +ve. Whereas a +ve X a -ve or a -ve X a +ve results in –ve. In our thinking and Life too
199.         V can live in expectation or in gratitude,not both. Wen VR a owner V enjoy only wat V own.Wen VR a enjoyer V enjoy everything in D Existence
200.         No oil without squeezing seeds;No wine without pressing grapes;No fragrance without crushing flowers; No betterment without solving problems
201.         When an Undesired / unexpected event takes place, we can Choose to Think & Act towards Problem/Away from Solution to Sunk in the problem OR Choose to think and act towards Solution/Away 4M Problem to Swim over the problem.
202.         I create everything 4M my thoughts,good or bad.It is my responsibility 2 focus on only wat I really desire,2 create & experience tat. Abt U?
203.         Even if u hav a faith as a grain of mustard seed, U can even (re)move a mountain. Nothing is impossible by U:  Mat 17:20. All is in our MIND
204.         Man enters D God’s shop.God asked man,what do U want buy 4M? Man asked,Can U sell me Peace & Happiness?God replies,I sell Seeds, not Fruit
205.         My EXISTENCE is the SINGLE REASON 4 my BEING HAPPY.I donot need any OTHER REASON 2B happy tat SHORT LIVE tan my life.How abt U? Wat U think?
206.         To Build a relationship, give all they expect & forgive what they do, without they ask for it. And Not to expect them to give anything & Not to give an opportunity to them to forgive what we do to them
207.         Giv & Tak not Good for a good relationship;Giv & Giv of all Good is. Also 4Get all Good V Gav;4Get Not All Good U Got;Just 4Giv all Misdeeds
208.         If we keep one leg in the past & one leg in the future, we miss 2 stand in the present 2 miss out all the miracles that happens in our life.
209.         2 B happy, I can choose my existence, being alive now. However, 2 give happiness 2 others, I need 2 act on my potentials, not just existence
210.         TOD: Happiest people do not have everything in life; they just make best of everything that the life brings in their way. HAVE A HAPPY DAY
211.         Patience can make us Mentally Stronger; Choose it to endure Attempts. Silence can make us Emotionally Stronger. Choose it to endure Hurdles
212.         TOD:Wen God leads me 2 D end of D cliff, only 1 of 2 things can happen;Either HE will catch me wen I fall OR make me 2 fly.This is my faith
213.         I realise D diff bet Resignation & Surrender. In D Former,I let me OUT after I LOOSE CONTROL.In D latter,I let me IN by LETTING GO D CONTROL Resignation:Unable 2 accept D result as it happens,so I withdraw. Surrender,I accept D situations as it happens so I keep working 4 results 
214.         A feedbak gvn by a person is TRUE 4 who is giving it. His truth = His perception. I accept as it is wen I receive & agree if it is true 2 me
215.         God giv me D strength 2 accept with serenity D things tat need not change; 2 change things I need 2 & wisdom 2 distinguish D one 4M another
216.         The Quantum & Quality of the Pleasure or Pain I feel is not at all due 2 external reasons, it is ONLY BCas of my own interpretation of my mind
217.         Honestly EXPRESSING my FEELINGS makes a diff' in my relationship & not SUPPRESSING.However I need 2 EXPRESS 2 build not break D relationship
218.         I appreciate every moment I pass through in my life. If it is a good, it is happy experience. If it is bad, it is a Learning experience.
219.         Every Lock can be opened with a Key.Of course,we need to keep find the right key..Every Problem (Lock) has a solution (Key) we need to locate
220.         I ponder when some people could plan a holiday 4 a short pleasure, why not they plan 4 D Lifetime Living. Failing 2 plan is planning 2 fail
221.         I may not B responsible 4 wat others think abt me. But, I can assume tat I’m only responsible 4 wat I GIVE them 2 think abt me. Wat abt you?
222.         I think I need 2 consciously let GO my EGO surely with D one I Love, tan 2 lose D one I Love by unconsciously holding my Ego.Wat do U think?
223.         A SMS story:A man saw a poor boy was looking at his expensive car & offered him a drive. After a drive, Boy:It is a Marvelous Car.Man:It is gifted by my brother.Boy:It is really good.Man:Do U wis2 hav a brother like mine? Boy:Rather I wis2B a brother like URS
224.         DO 2 OTHERS AS U WLD HAV THEM DO 2 U-LUKE 6:31.If U wish 2B loved, appreciated, respected & forgiven by others, give D same mindfully 2 them.
225.         If V do not consciously SEE THINGS AS THEY R, it only means tat V unconsciously SEE THINGS AS V R.And tat is D diff bet REALITY & PERCEPTION
226.         Many Moments Creates Memories. B conscious to STORE and USE all the USEFUL MEMORIES and to TORE & DISPOSE all the USELESS memories as waste
227.         Life is interesting 4 those who can dream consistently & not 4 those who dare not. Dream converts in2 thoughts, Thought converts in2 Action
228.         We can achieve anything we really want to if we stick to it long enough:Helen Keller. Experiencing this many times wen d intention is higher
229.         4Get D past incl Success & Failures.Store & use D lessons learnt 4M thm as Useful Memories. Those memories R Present-a Gift Present Now in U
230.         Some of the peas I had planted in my garden are:  Personality,  Positive,  Planning,  Persuasiveness,  Perseverance, Patience,  Perceptive,  Probity,  Progressive,  Practicality
231.         Everything happens around us has its own meaning. What is D meaning, is not limited 2 our own perception.May get D real meaning when VR open
232.         Faith & Hope Banishes Any Unknown fear. They Blossom Even Inside An Abysmal Abyss (V.Bad Space);Certainly feed & Strengthen Promising Future
233.         think, it is better that I consciously synchronize my mind to the body than the reverse. Because, at occasions,my body defies even my conscious mind. What do you say?
234.         Sometimes,it Can B Joyous 2 lead another person 2 win even by loosing it.No matter who wins or loose,‘BEING JOYOUS’ is our Choice & Attitude
235.         If we understand, things are just as they are; Even if we do not understand, things are just as they are. Is it not?
236.         You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it.
237.         Sunshine is everywhere. A farmer using it & work hard gets his land cropped. Opportunity is abundant. One who uses & work hard flourish.
238.         I do not hav any doubt tat I can achieve wat others hav achieved, if I cultivate d same purpose, belief, capabilities & I make d same effort
239.         I can not learn FROM others! Actually I learn THROUGH others by constantly making my own singular effort in a way the learning happen to me
240.         TOD:Sometimes V may unconsciously strain or kill a good relationship V hold. May be BCas of selfish interest we hold? What else it could be?
241.         We can follow a path that may give success; It is better we go where there is no path, mak a diff and leave a trail for others follow it
242.         A person starts to live when he can live outside himself
243.         I cannot change the PAST. Can surely build a good FUTURE if only I believe & construct my precious PRESENT with all good potentials I have
244.         Anything that irritates us about others can surely lead us to a better understanding of ourselves, yes ourselves–A great learning at our end
245.         Pay no Attn 2 faults of others, things done or left undone by others. U can B wiser if U pay attn only what U hav done or left undone. Yes?
246.         Life is frittered away wen I paid so much Attn 2 Detail D ways I felt I need 2 Live.By Simplifying D way I live,Am seeing D beauty of D life
247.         I can lose only what I cling to. Whatever I got is not a gain. Whatever goes out from me is not a loss. All are temporary possessions to me.
248.         A closed mind is like clouded sky-It prevents us sees many things. A cloudless mind is like an open sky-It enables us to see behind horizon.
249.         For the words V said V become a slave;For the words V unsaid V can remain as a master. Not Saying (and doing more) is much better than saying
250.         If I squeeze more to get more, I am left with less! When I am open, it just opens up & absorbs more. In life too! Is it not true?
251.         Learn from Failure - is easy & natural. It is more difficult to learn from success. Because success can indiscriminately reinforce all our prior actions.
252.         The best way to construct a good future is to create it inch by inch, by paying ATTENTION to all that you need to DO in the present with all the potentials you have
253.         Law of attraction: Like attracts Like. V get attracted of wat V keep paying Attn. By paying attn, V giv energy to 2 it 2 create more of it.
254.         Can anyone go back & start a new beginning with wat is left or Start afresh every time to make a new ending with wat is available right NOW?
255.         Mysteries exist always: Sometime I need to pay ATTENTION to them for my living. Miracles happen always: All the time I need to pay ATTENTION to them for my living
256.         We cannot have ups without the downs.  Down only make us understand about the value of that ups.
257.         If V cannot 4GET others’ wrong doing IF ANY, VCAN never complete 4GIVING. 4GET precedes 4GIVING. Without BOTH, V carry unwanted ill feelings
258.         Each step in D ladder (of life) where I was standing kept saying move 2 D next step. I followed D voice tat helped me 2 climb up in my life.
259.         All things conditioned by our mind R impermanent. To a mind that is still,open,receptive,caring & non-judgmental,d whole universe surrenders
260.         1st build an intention beyond urself. Then pay ATTN every moment wat U cld do. Nxt ACT wit all ur potentials 2 fulfill ur intentions 4 sure
261.         Our life is dependant on d direct & indirect efforts of many around us. V Need 2 B grateful 2 them & contribute in atleast equal proportion
262.         Reverse side also has a reverse side: Likewise, Failure has success and negative has positive, intertwined in it. What do you think?
263.         RU facing any problem,suffering,frustration,confusion,depression,complexity,anger?GO & STAND B4 a PLAIN MIRROR,it will show who can resolve!
264.         Vision without action is a daydream.Action without vision is a nightmare.Act as if U hav already achieved ur goal & it is yours.U R UR thots
265.         Seek 2 follow:(a) D footsteps of a leader 2 Bcom a FOLLOWER or (b) D life purposes pursued by them, 2 Bcom a LEADER. Learn 4M 2 Model Leader
266.         Words we express can harm or charm; Inspire or expire; Make or break - The way it is delivered and the way it is received! Make a choice!
267.         If you look into your life, you can see most of the time you are driven by either desire or fear. oYou act either out of a desire to achieve something or out of a fear of not wanting to experience something.
268.         I can be Master of Mind rather than Mastered by Mind. Because I am aware that I am not the mind and the mind is only a tool to operate my life usefully, as I use it usefully.
269.         We live together with each other only for a part of our life. What are we parting with others with whom we live together to add value to their living?
270.         Keep your INTENTION & PRAYER as if everything depends on HIS wishes.Still,keep your FOUCS & ACT as if everything depends on your wish & will
271.         If U feel anything impossible 2 achieve,SLIP in2 a thinking of how much achieved & SHIFT 2 believe tat rest wil b.Then keep ACTING 2wards it
272.         Whn V Can cherish D beauty of a rose,V Can equally cherish D thorns wit it..If V Can do so,V Can also accept ups & downs of our life equally
273.         Like a child, VCan look forward every moment of our life with excitement. Here, D Journey is more important than D milestones or destination
274.         To a question “Is there anything that could have been worse than losing your sight?" Helen Keller replied, "Yes,I could have lost my vision"
275.         V wil hav everything V need,if V help other people 2 get wat they want.Life is an echo.V wil get in multiples of wat V giv 2 continue giving
276.         A Belief of Excellence tat “There is a +ve intention behind every behavior” takes me 2 wat I CAN DO NXT tan questioning WHY PEOPLE BEHAVE SO
277.         Our ability to receive love is determined by what we believe that we deserve to receive. Yes. It is determined by the power of belief.
278.         When V truly LOVE ourselves & everybody around,V will HAV enough of what V need incl. FAITH & HOPE.When VR in a state of FEAR,it is DOUBTFUL
279.         In reality we are neither given More NOR Less than what we can handle. It is our mind that evaluates & BCum Active or Inactive there after
280.         V CREATE struggle for ourselves on a belief tat V cannot handle situations with what VR blessed with.In reality,V simply donot ACT to handle
281.         Problems R only as big as V take them - Either a Small Ripple or a Big Tidal wave - Only in our mind - In reality both last 4 few minutes 
282.         Every problem has with it a punctuation of full stop. It is we who tinkers with, to convert it as comma, semi-colon, exclamation or question!
283.         Life may not B worth living 4,unless V die 2 achieve something worth V leave forever 2 this world tat lives 4ever representing us after us
284.         “Waves are my inspiration. Not because they raise and fall, but it is because each time they fall, they never FAIL 2 raise again” – Dr.APJ
285.         Diff’ bet’ Resignation & Surrender.Wen forces act 2 over power U, giving up is Resignation; Still assuming Respy for +Ve action is Surrender
286.         Whether Uchoose 2 change or not,everything around keep changing.Synchronize URadoption 2 changes,keeping focus on URvision 2 bring harmony
287.         Every CHANGE BRINGs a LESSON. Every lesson LEARNT will bring a DESIRED change. Every lesson UNLEARNED will bring UNDESIRED changes
288.         Love does not require Getting Anything 4M Anybody,Owning Anything or Anybody; It needs only an Ability 2 see Humanity/Godliness in everybody
289.         I will not hav regret of past or fear of future wen I Love my life without conditions,material ownership & insatiable desire 4 material gain
290.         In a confrontation between the stream and the rock, it is the stream invariably wins, not through strength, but through persistence - Buddha
291.         V First IMAGINE & then V CREATE.Wen V IMAGINE,ALL FORCES WORK 2 GIV SHAPE 2 THEM. So, B CONSCIOUS, as most of d time V live thro imagination
292.         Nxt Moment Arrives Unannounced/Unexpected;Winners hav D ATTITUDE 2 take RESPY with wat came in 2 MOVE & MAKE NXT tan keep standing surprised
293.         V hav some unique potential bestowed 4M birth. V Can Seize all D opportunities 2 Identify, Tap & Nurture them FULLY, to enjoy a USE-FUL life
294.         A Man said:All Goods & Articles of My House Cum Shop got burnt by a fire. Luckily, my Confidence,Faith & Hope R also fired 2 get back better
295.         TOD series in form of a question: What value addition I will consciously make today to myself & others, which can be relished as worth of my living today?
296.         TOD in form of a Ques: What acts of few people gives me a lasting memory & what act of mine will make such a/better lasting memory in others?
297.         TOD in form of a Ques: When incidents happen, what will happen if I react to it as against when I respond to it?
298.         TOD in form of Ques: Wat is D diff bet Accepting & Agreeing 2 D acts of other people wen I hold a belief of +ve Intention of their behaviorst
299.         Q-TOD:How do I enjoy whatever I Hear,See,Feel etc at this point of Time & Space 4 They R LIVE Only short-while & Changes with Time & Space?
300.         Q-TOD: D world work in Co-participation. How Am I participating in others’ development & How I take others’ participation in my development?
301.         QTOD:Do I realize tat WAT I WILL BCom in MY LIFE is inconsequential 2 wat I was & even wat am now,is mainly a result of my consistent thots?
302.         QTOD: Should a caterpillar know tat it wil become a butterfly 2mrow or a butterfly need 2 know/remember tat it was a caterpillar yesterday?
303.         QTOD:Why do I Fail 2 VLAUE & USE some of D blessings in my possession-only 2 realize after I loose them? Eg.My Health,Time,Relationships,etc
304.         Am I learning 2 live by accepting any unexpected OUTCOMES (Do I hav a choice otherwise?) while I continue 2 think & act towards MY OUTCOMES?
305.         QTOD:When whatever I possess are only a temporary mean to a temporary end & they are not an end by itself, how should I feel possessive about them – as asset or a tool?
306.         What are all the major difference between me & other human being living around me & also between me & other being living around me?
307.         Do I realize that the major difference between ME & other human & other living being around me is the POWER OF CHOICE & I act accordingly?
308.         Can I see a World in a Grain of Sand;a Heaven in a Flower;Infinite Possibilities around me;An Eternity at every Second? I think I Can! Do I?
309.         Siddartha became Gautama Buddha; M.G Gandhi became Mahatma Gandhi. Not change of name, a transformation. Is that intentional or incidental?
310.         What is the logic behind the fact that we get so many thoughts, only few manifests into words & further only very few manifests into action?
311.         When HE, D sculptor, removes unwanted parts 4m me, it may pain, but it is a process 2 curve out my inner potential. I am grateful 2 that process.
312.         Belief of Excellence:Everyone make D best choice available 2 them at every point of time they mak a choice,based on their present mind setup
313.         So changes R imperative. Everyone/thing is perfect at the present stage but they R temporary. R Evolving 2 become perfect for the next stage
314.         Can V change our Mind setup/life–by changing our Purpose/Belief/Value/Skill/Attitude V hold,what V want 2 become & the environment V create?
315.         V need 2B congruent in whatever VR, by aligning our Purpose/Belief/Value/Skill/Attitude V hold,what V want 2 become & D environment V create
316.         While drive to ensure I am alive, the Respy of NOT BEING HIT or NOT HITTING lies with me and only with me. So is with every part of my life.
317.         TOD: "Every one has their own destiny. The only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads them." -Henry Miller
318.         TOD:We can reach a destination/dream if only we keep focusing that & keep sailing towards that, no matter what weather we have to pass thru
319.         TOD: Weather & Climate lasts 4 some time of d day or year. Also problems/solutions & pains/pleasures. But, everything happens with a purpose
320.         Sunshine charges, Rain refreshes, Wind braces up, Snow exhilarates…Nothing is bad weather-Only diff kinds of good weather at a point of time
321.         TOD: Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -Saint Francis of Assisi
322.         TOD:All Significant problems V face NOW, cannot be solved at the same level of thinking V had AT THE TIME V HAD CREATED THEM-Albert Einstein
323.         TOD: Let Action springs not only from a mere thought, also from Risk & Responsibility mindfully taken towards a higher purpose than self.
324.         Every moment I am using fruits of labors of many others.This Mrng I shall pay my gratitude 2 them & Act 2 give back atleast in equal measure
325.         Nothing is impossible as any dream of yesterday will bcom a hope of 2Day & a reality of 2mrow..If V keep thinking & acting on it with focus!
326.         Success comes as milestone in the Life journey, when walked with aspiration, hard work, commitment, focus, confidence, humility & sacrifice.
327.         Am puzzled why some people are settled to live a state of misery, sadness, sorrow, pain etc & they donot seem to look at the bright sides!
328.         I think people live in a state of misery etc mainly bcas they choose 2 live that way sub-consciously & they do not risk to make a change.
329.         I think people live in a state of misery etc mainly bcas they choose 2 live that way sub-consciously & they do not risk to make a change
330.         Wen VR grateful 2 D abundance that R present in our life,without focusing that R missing,V will experience heaven on earth:SarahBreathnack
331.         Only human can CHOOSE do change the ATTITUDE, the driving force of life that can result in a change in the altitude of his & others’ LIFE
332.         When defeat comes, it is a signal that my plans are not sound & hence I rebuild those plans & set the sail once more 2ward my coveted dreams
333.         There is a boundary to one's passion when acted from feelings;It is none when acted with the influence of imagination of a DREAM BEYOND SELF
334.         Consciously Acting of When to LISTEN, When to SPEAK OUT & When to KEEP SILENT to Whatever we hear will bring harmony to Relationships & Life
335.         Today, let me be conscious to Observe, Listen and Speak out everything that will make a value addition to me & others
336.         Remorse of is better than apology. Actions of repentance speak louder than words of regret.
337.         We first make our habits. And then those habits make us....Or break us. Wiser consciously work to break useless habits & retain useful one.
338.         If U keep remembering or recalling ill of others, U have not forgotten that. If U have not forgotten that, U have not forgiven them. Is not?
339.         What is the need for us 2 recall any Giving of others as misgiving? By holding memory of it, V only carry a burden. Forget it & forgive them
340.         An ant told:People sometimes block my path.I spontaneously find an alternate path without blame.I MOVE ON, till I die.Because I CAN & I WILL
341.         Kabir: Kala Kro Saao Aaj Kar. Aaja Kro Saao Abi Kar. But when VR emotional, it is better to reverse and procrastinate any decision & action
342.         Even if the life may give me a hundred reasons to cry, I will surely show to my life that I have and see a hundred thousand reasons to smile
343.         I think V all hav a little voice inside us and if V shut out all D noise & clutter outside us only 2 listen 2 that, it will guide us rightly
344.         HE gav me a respy to take a journey from mother’s womb,2 Funeral tomb called LIFE, 2 make a diff 2 this world, with D possession HE blessed. PRAISE THE LORD.
345.         Oh God giv Grace 2 Accept with Serenity what cannot B Changed;Courage 2 Change which needs 2B Changed & Wisdom 2 Distinguish Between the TWO
346.         My Words & Behavior (Even Thoughts) are energy out with some amt of rippling effect & they can impact life of others. So can I be conscious?
347.         Life with Acceptance of wat V get is Surrender, a Positive Emotions; Life with Non Acceptance of wat V get is Resistance, a Negative Emotion
348.         The Traffic signals are good guidance FOR DRIVING OUR VEHICLES. Many of such signals can be interpreted as good guidance FOR LIVING OUR LIFE
349.         Nurture your mind with good thoughts, for you will never go any higher than what you nurture. What you sow, you reap. So, mind the mind
350.         TOD:Somebody hurts U. When not accepted,it becomes hatred (A –ve emotion); When it is accepted,it become forgiveness (A +ve emotion) TTR-FT
351.         TOD:For a good relationship HAV NO SECRET: Hav Nothing 2 Hide,there will B Nothing 2 Avoid; Hav Nothing 2 Avoid,there will B Nothing 2 Hide
352.         Among all D skills U learn,which skill U think U need 2 consciously pay Max Attn 2 Master that skill 2 B applied 4 everything U do & that is reqd in every walk of life be it teaching, parenting, loving, selling, buying, etc is the COMMUNICATION SKILLS.
353.         D doors & windows I Open/Close each time in my day/night (thru my mind key) decide my living & that could also impact D lives of many others
354.         Verse 293 Tirukural by Tiruvalluvar: Not to speak as truth, when it is known to be false, for the conscience will scorch the one who lied so
355.         Verse 785 Tirukural by Tiruvalluvar:It is not constant meeting & companionship,but mutual sensibilities that confer D alliance of friendship
356.         I get a filling of value addition to my living when I am connected with some great souls, by their filling of some worthy inputs to my life
357.         Wat V think is less than wat V know;Wat V know is less than wat V lov;Wat V lov is less than wat nature’s offering. VR less than wat V think
358.         To understand anyone, become cognizance the mental structure they holds within them & the conditions under which the structure has made them
359.         Good teacher is the one who give what is learnt with compassion, while learning continuously at any given situation in order to give more
360.         When I was born & saw  light was no stranger 2 this world. Something inscrutable, shapeless & without words appeared in D form of my mummy
361.         V Celebrate when V win.That’s Fine How abt celebrating when V lose, After all, Is it not V, who had given a chance for another one 2 Win?
362.         Unwelcomingly irritants keep intruding IN life. They donot deserve any Attn. Despite give instant & momentary Attn 2 chuck them OUT quickly
363.         Relationship between two or more is a matter of proper understanding that not ALL expectations R FULFILLED & ALL expectations R UNFULFILLED
364.         Up & down are part of the life journey. SURRENDER to what happens, but need not RESIGN to the results. Keep working with all URpotentials
365.         Go with the flow to become one with existence by surrender & without resistance. It will unfold the life naturally into a Joyful Celebration
366.         Wen VR with D flow,life ceases 2B a struggle with D NEEDs easily met without fighting 4 wat V want or defending 4 wat V do not want 2 loose
367.         How the world connects with you makes only a small difference. But, how you connect with the world 4 higher purpose makes all the difference
368.         When we consciously use the potentials we have, we will overcome all the vexing problems of our everyday life that sometimes stymie us.
369.         Problems are tests that posed 2 us in our life only 2 build us strong. V hav all D resources which V ever need 2 handle them be our belief.
370.         Blackbirds keep Singing Lifespan 3 Yrs Max Butterflies keep Flapping Lifespan 3 Wks Max Yet they Sing/Flap, Bcas they merrily count blessings:NOW
371.         Living in favorable N unfavorable situation R Part of living. Enjoying every moment of those situations with a SMILE is an Art of livin
372.         The VICTORY in Life is to CONVERT UR dreams into REALITY Even if it takes a life term. The DEFEAT in Life is to SURRENDER UR dreams into UNREALITY Even for a second
373.         An English Proverb: Donot try to teach a pig to sing, It does not work. Even then, you may annoy the pig. Moral:Do not attempt to change the Nature of Others
374.         A Japanese Proverb: Vision without Action is Daydream. Action without a Vision will be a Nightmare.
375.         Sometimes my inner light goes dim. But is kindled into a flame when I meet some people. Today I will recall those incidents to pay my gratitude to those souls.
376.         What did not exist when I was born; That I can & will create as Value Addition b4 My Death; 2 make a Diff 2 this World; Such that the World is never the same again
377.         There are ONLY two ways 2 Live Our Life One:As if Miracles happens only Sometimes in our Life Other:As if Miracles is happening at Every Moments of our Life
378.         Characters of water change with the soil it is associated with; So do our characters assimilate with whom we are associated with - Holy Kural 452 Thiruvalluvar
379.         I am blessed during my life journey with many situations, people, things etc that keep coming & going. I understand this temperance, so I sail with peace & joy
380.         I will keep reminding today that if my plan works, I will be gratitude to HIM. If my plans do not work, I will be more gratitude for HIS plans had worked for me
381.         Prison the Blessing; Resign the cursing. That will make a life full of meaningful.
382.         While breathing, V take all that comes in V retains only the oxygen, as reqd While breathing out all D unwanted other gases Shall V do similarly with our mind?
383.         Hold fast 2 UR dreams.For if dreams die,life is like a broken-winged bird that cannot fly forever. Convert UR Dream in2 thought.And in2 words.And in2 actions
384.         What are the 7 wonders the World? Not Architectural ones,Our Own:They are 5 Sensing: Seeing, Hearing, Feeling, Tasting, Smelling & Loving & Laughing, Being Humane!
385.         Life is 10% WHAT WE MAKE it 90% it is HOW WE TAKE it How we take it? The way we RESPOND or REJECT all the CHALLENGES the life poses us By the CHOICE WE TAKE
386.         I do not TAKE time 2 count a few things I did not get 4M GOD after praying Because I donot HAVE time 2 count Countless blessings I got & getting without praying
387.         VCan count number of SEEDS 4M an APPLE It is PRESENT But,Can V count D countless APPLES 4M a SEED? Still, Let us LIVE HOPEFULLY 4 countless BLESSINGS in FUTURE
388.         CHANGING THE FACE can CHANGE nothing But FACING THE CHANGE can CHANGE many things Becoming Angry over a problem or Facing it as an opportunity Is a choice
389.         If U want to leave UR footprints on the sands of time? Don't drag URfeet! Stay firmly whatever, wherever, whenever pursue them for sure with passion & compassion
390.         A Haiku 2 ponder: Leaves Leave a tree. A Part of D tree tat DePart. A Motion wit no eMotion. Nature plays its part Naturally. Wat does this means 2U?
391.         It is better to be hated for what you are really, than to be praised for what you are not.
392.         Got a problem? If U think U will solve it, No need 2 worry abt it. So Celebrate! If U think U cannot, No use of worrying abt it. So Endure! What do you say?
393.         Pain is converted in2 success, wen taken up with challenge by URchoice. Every successful person has a painful story. Every painful story has a successful ending
394.         As an infant, V took Few Years 2 learn speaking. As a child, took few more years for what 2 speak. As an adult, HOW come VR still learning HOW 2 speak properly!
395.         The purpose of living is 2 discover ur inherited gift that came with UR birth. The meaning of life is 2 give that away 2 this world, B4 UR death. What do U say?
396.         What we THINK about is what we SEE, HEAR & FEEL. What we feel influences our reactions. Reactions become our habits. It is our habits that determine our destiny
397.         Some MAY pose as if they love/respect me! It is irrelevant to find why, as I hold a belief of +ve intention behind their behavior. So I decide HOW I take & give
398.         Gandhi:The Weak Can Never Forgive.It is an Attribute of Strong. TOD:When U forgive,U detoxify D -ve energy of UR body,free UR mind & Purify UR soul. R U strong?
399.         UR Mind can be strong to Switch On/Switch Off & Let In/Let Out as & when reqd by UR OWN CHOICE & not let DRAGGED & POLLUTED by EXTERNAL FORCES. Will U B Strong?
400.         How do U to see UR world? As an a. OpportuniST, ONLY 2 GET 2 accumulate b. OpportuniTY, ALSO 2 GIVE with what U got I mean,UR Knowledge,Wealth etc with LOVE
401.         What is the most important for music to be melodious from a flute? Flute? Notation? Player? Process of playing? Our hearing? Air? What else/What more?
402.         EVERY DARK CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING. All 'bad' things come with some 'good' attached 2 them. Every problem has in it an advantage. What V focus Now, V get Now
403.         U or UR act may not be worth remembering 4 what U did 2 others once in a way/while.But sure for what U do 2 them consistently.What U do consistently 2 others?
404.         Words 2 Build relationship-I understand, I respect U; I Love U; I Miss U; Can I help U; Count on me; U may B Right; U can Go 4 it; Thank U; 4Giv me. What Else?
405.         You Are Born Without Anything.But You Die With Your Name...So Your Name Need Not Be A Word only, It Can Be A History...What is Ur Choice?
406.         URborn with many potentials As U grow U get further. Can U use all those potentials 2 Make a Diff 2 this world B4 U DIE Such tat UR name in written in D histroy?
407.         The secret of health 4 both mind & body is not 2 mourn 4 the past,nor 2 worry abt the future,but 2 live the present moment wisely & earnestly wit blessing V hav
408.         Every thought is a seed whatever U plant U get in multiples Joy or sorrow/Fear or confidence. If U plant a weed U cannot count harvesting Golden Corns.
409.         Everyday may not be good. But I can find something good in everyday. Every person may not be good. But I can find something good in every person.My world is what I see, hear & feel. What about U?
410.         Relationship:Built wen eachother Xpress Lov & Anger/hurt,etc spontaneously;Giv a space 4 other’s Mistakes & 2 4Giv/Ask 4Givness & Learn 4M tat 2 carryon
411.         My 4 Steps 2 Live a Life Full: 1st:Look back,Thank GOD; 2nd:Look forward,Trust GOD; 3rd:Look around,Believe GOD; 4th:Look within,Find GOD 5th Look not for anything Return: Do your duty with passion & compassion: Anymore steps?
412.         V Get Som Problems by Expecting Good 4M Wrong people; Som Other Problems by Expecting Wrong 4M Good people. Anyway,Learn 2 expect D unexpected & Keep Learning
413.         Thought of taking a RISK may cause a feeling of FEAR by the brain. But anyone who has succeeded in anything, anywhere, knows that taking a risk is necessary. Take a Calculated Risk of putting URearnest efforts to get a(ny) Result in Life. Sometime we get more than what is expected. Like Columbus discovering America
414.         At some occasions V witness some unexplainable behaviors of some people very close 2 us.V fail to understand them at that occasion.What 2 do? What will U do?
415.         A person is Happy,not bcoz Everything is RIGHT in his Life. But bcoz his ATIITUDE 2wards everything in his Life is RIGHT. Sat-Being;Chit-Conscious; Ananda-Happy
416.         Relationship building is abt responding Nurturing Respecting Transforming Empowering & Enlightened. Only vehicle thro with It built is Communication
417.         Ignore Attn 2 Every Incident of Life that may Drain our energy,time,spirit etc. Focus Attn 2 Every Incident in Life that may Create Value 2 oneself & others
418.         Lesson 4M Nature TOD:Bees:Work & Live in Concert & Complimentary 2 each other Lesson:How 2 work & work in group. Can U also share UR Lessons 4M Nature?
419.         Lesson 4M Nature: Dog for its love, affection, joy, altruistic behavior & trust towards its master and its sincere obedience in following whatever master says
421.         Lesson 4M Nature:Go 2 D Ant..…. Consider its ways & be wise.It has no guide,overseer or ruler.Yet it stores its food in summer & gathers it at harvest.Pro 6.6-8
422.         Lesson 4M Spider: Life is a Web with connection & interconnection I create everyday. Questions to ponder are: What am I Creating, Who & What am I allowing into my own web, Am I caught up in my own web?
423.         Asato Maa Sad Gamaya:Lead us 4M Unreal to Real;Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya:Lead us 4M Darkness to Light;Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya:Lead us 4M Death to Immortality
424.         Our living will be Imbalance when we work below or above our Potentials-i.e with an imbalance bet’ our potential & what were created with that. What do U think?
425.         Want to enjoy anything? Take today as your first day -> Forget YESTERDAY/Past  But Want to achieve anything? Take today as your last day -> Forget the TOMORROW/Future
426.         A person is wise wen all his undertakings R free 4m anxiety abt results & all his selfish desires hav been consumed in the fire of knowledge ~ B.Gita 4:19-21
427.         Gita 2.47:U hav only a right 2 do URgiven duty,not entitled 2 D fruits thereof. Never consider urself as a cause of any results & Never B inactive 2 URduties
428.         Gita: 2.38 Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat alike, do your duty. By doing your duty this way, you will not incur any sin
429.         Gita: 2.38 Treating pleasure & pain, gain & loss, victory & defeat alike, do ur duty. By doing ur duty this way, you will not incur any sin.
430.         Single candle can lit thousands of candles & spread light to result in more illumination Similarly, one’s happiness when shared to thousands, spread more joy
431.         While climbing mountains, small pebble on URpath may cause U to stumble.As U pass them,U reach heights Reaching heights may need U to pass thru small pebbles
432.         When you are in lights, everything follows you & you are noticeable When you enter into dark, even your shadow does not follow you & you become unnoticeable What else this means to you?
433.         Live beyond your Life
The Clock of our life is wound everyday Morning.
But have no power to tell when its hands will stop
Either late or early hour
So BE & LIVE as if NOW is the only time U own
As the hands may soon stop
Live-Love-Toil with a Will
To Make a difference
To this world
To Live beyond your Life
434.         A tree had its origin from a fruit Or a fruit had its origin from a tree? Cause & Effect or Start & End is a perception of each person at a point of time Is it not?
435.         At 99 deg C:Water is just hot
At 100 C:Water boils & STEAM comes
That can power even a locomotive
            And,that one extra degree in anything we do
Does all the Difference
436.         Exercise Selective Amnesia–to FORGET Useless Past Incidents & FORGIVE Misdeeds-Resulting in FOREVER blessed-To GET What is needed & To GIVE our Best 2 the world
437.         Which of the following 5C styles of Conflict Resolution is a Good?
1. COMPETING [Compelling, Forcing]
2. COOPERATING [Yielding, Surrendering]
3. CIRCUMVENTING [Avoiding, Ignoring]
4. COMPROMISING [Bargain, Trade-off]
5. COLLABORATING [Participating, Polling resources]
438.         All V possess,PHYSICAL-Health,Emotion,Thoughts;MATERIAL-All Assets & Liab;SOCIAL-Name,Fame,Label,Power,Relationship;TIME,SPACE & MOR are TEMPORARY.Wat do U say?
439.         So wat is permanent? As of NOW, I realize: Nothing is Permanent at PHYSICAL level & Everything is Temporary at QUANTUM level; May B NOW, this BREATH & all those PHYSICAL,MATERIAL,SOCIAL,TIME,SPACE & other possessions I am blessed NOW & watever I do only this moment APPEARS 2 B PERMANENT. Wat abt U?
440.         People may tell lies, with some selfish or other +ve intention. But it can never become a truth even with multiple propagations-can remain only as a perception
441.         Only Losers keep living in D past. Winners quickly learn from the past, joyfully pay attention to whatever they do in D present & move hopefully toward D future
442.         Can U give 1 answer to these 4 questions of life? What is sacred? Of what our souls are made of? What connects & energize us? What for our life is worth living?
443.         In life, letting the FLOW to happen as & when it FLOWs, while paying attention to make the FLOW to FLOW till it flows, will bring serenity to our living.
444.         We need 2 realize that unless we consciously change our thoughts, words, actions & habits positively, we can seldom change our future positively. What do U Say?
445.         Never:
a) Ask mor than what U actually need
b) Take mor than what U had worked
c) Hurt feelings of others–in our thought,word & deed
d) Deliberately tell a lie
446.         Anything that one gets without his efforts will ever stay with them forever? I doubt. So, shd we Seek or Accept anything that may come to us without our efforts?
447.         When I consider how hard it is to change myself by a CHOICE. I realize what little CHANCE I have to change others. BE THE CHANGE U WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD-Gandhi
448.         4 everything U hav missed,U hav gained something else & 4 everything U gain,U lose something else-Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thinking wat I gained or lost & for what?
449.         Earning without my Working or Hoarding more than my NEED will disturb my happiness. Sharing more than my NEED, but with my earning will give me ecstasy.What this means 2 you?
450.         I am I,because I am I
U are U,because U are U
Then I am I & U are U
If I am,because of I am U
If U are,because of U are I
Then I am not,U are not
What do U say?
451.         I am today what I am, it is ALSO because of the god gifted relationship with you; the value addition you had made in my living & memory.My profound thanks 2 you
452.         Memory is a way of holding to things with which you are built up & all those moments that you NEED to hold to CHERISH WITH LOVE. Holding rest is holding garbage
453.         Animals with their instincts use reactive Fight or Flight response for their survival.
Human endowed with their intelligence to use relaxation response for their growth.
But do we behave like human?
454.         I look at my past from a positive perspective like what about the past I need to appreciate, acknowledge, learn & own. How else you wish to look & learn from past positively?
455.     Big trees get uprooted, big ships get sunk & sand dune moved away-by a storm. Wonder how a blade of grass whipped by a storm, rise again! Nature? What Nature?
456.         Happiness is not something with which we are living with
It is something we cannot live without
Love is not someone with whom we are living with
It is someone we cannot live without
457.         We cannot create world peace if we are riddled with inner conflict, hatred, doubt or anger. Because we radiate our feelings & thoughts that we hold inside, whether we speak or not
458.         I prayed GOD 2 give Happiness
HE said:
I give only blessings, even without your asking for it;
You can generate happiness with them
Still you can BE Happy with what you already have!
459.         Life is not about wishing, hoping & expecting good,
1stit is about SEEDING a GOOD INTENTION;
2nd it is nurturing the Seed by TAKING ALL ACTIONS to BECOME &  BEING as good as intended
460.         4 things U donot get back:
A stone, after thrown;
A word, after spelled;
An action, after finished &
Time, after it passed.
So be conscious
…They leave a mark
461.         All that we got either health,wealth,relationship or other blessings R given 2 us at this point of time only 2 connect, make value addition & celebrate the life
462.         W A T C H means Word/Action/Thought/Character/Habit!
So Watch UR
Thoughts becoming Words
Words becoming Action
Action becoming Habit &
Habit becoming Character
463.         New Year is a occasion to look into past for went well, cheerfully look into the good that is happening NOW & plan what to do to make good of our living in THE coming years
464.         Body & mind are part of the same system. Body is the only vehicle 2 execute UR dreams. If U do not Mind 2 Care UR Body well, will UR Body Mind 2 Care UR dream?
465.         More is More Anytime U read IT & hence U can NEVER experience IT
Enough is Enough Anytime U read IT & hence U can EVER experience IT
Count HIS blessing as U get!
466.         There is a voice in the Universe urging us to remember our purpose for being alive
This is the voice of inspiration,which is there within each & every one of us
467.         Do you make a life ONLY with what others tell you to Do?
Be wiser to follow your heart message
It will tell you for what you are intended
To attract, create & give with your Life
468.         By letting go your hurt,
YOU will be letting in peace.
A peaceful YOU is a beautiful YOU.
The Good news is YOU can be beautiful.
The very good news is it is in YOUR hands
469.         We expect others to accept us as we are and they need to change their approach to us as we expect.
Easier is we accept others as they are and we change our approach towards them
470.         We can take chance or choose to become Victim or Victor by LooKing Positive or Negative to the situation arising & Reactive or Responsive to what we do thereafter
471.         Once three eggs fell on the ground,
But only two did broke.
How could?
God knows.
Sometime it happens.
We may not get answer for all that happens.
Just witness miracles
472.         A caterpillar by letting in the pain of coming out of cocoon grows as a butterfly.
A boulder by letting to be carved by the chisel of an artist becomes a statue. So?
473.         Lao Tzu: Be Content with what U have; Rejoice in the way things are. When U realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs 2 U. What that means 2 U?
474.         Be natural to just See, Hear & Feel as they are instead of perceiving as you want. “Look out” for “Points to View” instead of having an “Outlook” for “Points of View”.
475.         Any Money earned from
HARD WORK: Give Real Joy;
BORROWING: Repayable Burden;
FAVOR: Non-Repayable Indebtedness;
IMMORAL WAYS like cheat, theft, prostitution, bribery etc: Inerasable sin
476.         FAITH fuels HOPE.
In turn changes perspective & Clears our vision &
Turns a coin of 2 sides.
Invisible 2 Visible;
Intangible 2 Tangible;
Impossible 2 Possible.
477.         Go not to the temple to put flowers upon the feet of God,
First fill your own house with the Fragrance of love...
Except from the poem by Rabindranath Tagore
478.         Go not to the temple to light candles before the altar of God,
First remove the darkness of sin from your heart...
Except from the poem by Rabindranath Tagore
479.         Go not to the temple to bow down your head in prayer,
First learn to bow in humility before your fellowmen...
Except from the poem by Rabindranath Tagore
480.         Go not to the temple to pray on bended knees,
First bend down to lift someone who is down-trodden. ..
Except from the poem by Rabindranath Tagore
481.         Go not to the temple to ask for forgiveness for your sins,
First forgive from your heart those who have sinned against you
Except from the poem by Rabindranath Tagore
482.         William Arthur Ward: Flatter me, I may not believe you. Criticize me, I may not like you. Ignore me, I may not forgive you. Encourage me & I will not forget you
483.         The right measure of a man is
Not how he withstand
During the times of COMFORT & CONVENIENCE,
Martin Luther King,Jr.
484.         A deaf child said:“May B 4 all of U, I am deaf (as I donot hear U). 2 me, U R dumb (as U cannot speak 2 me such that I hear U)”. V choose the life as V perceive
485.         Through your 5 senses every moment you keep letting in MANY. Will you be sensible to retain the moments that you need to cherish at a recall, while U Ctrl-Alt-Del those you do not need?
486.         Will U Shift+Del all memories that U donot need, unless U may need 2 restore if by chance U may get 2nd thot or diff perceptive 2 learn anew 4M those moments?
487.         Stop focusing what you do not have.
Stop counting cursing!
Consciously SHIFT your focus to what you have &
            Appreciate all that you are & all that you have.
Count the blessings!
488.         Accept wat V need/can not Change.
Change wat V need/can not Accept.
How 2 identify wat are 2 B accepted & how 2 make the changes?
Answers lies here!
            Pl search!
489.         Are you ADDING YEARS TO your LIFE or ADDING LIFE TO your YEARS?
Are you Reactive or Responsive - Externally & Internally?
490.         BEING IN CONFLICT by struggling with wat comes to us in Life is ENERGY DRAIN;
BEING IN HARMONY by acceptance with wat comes & moving forward Next is ENERGY FLOW
Time makes to forget some memories. But some memories linger forever & V forget the time spent. Wat memories of yours made you to forget the time U spent?
491.         Am I perfect? No.
So, will I Learn & Practice 2 Accept Imperfection in others.
How 2 do this?
By operating that this moment is full & whole & Next is evolving
492.         After failing in his attempt to conquer Mt. Everest, Edmund Hillary said-
493.         Our present action will FAST become PAST.
Can it become PRESENT for others as a source of inspiration/modeling?
A real GIFT that we will graciously give to others!
494.         HE gives something now & takes it away latter.
All happens in a blink of an eye.
But don’t worry.
Best part is HE never blinks.
HE does everything with a purpose.
495.         It is never too late 2 B childlike & BE in a happy state; But it is upto U & No one else. Childlike means innocent, curious, live in present, non-materialistic!
496.         Consciously Watch your Word-Action-Thought-Capability-Habit
The way your WATCH
Is structured
Your Life is constructed.
U Can reconstruct your Life
By restructuring your WATCH
497.         Changing SELF-DEFEATING THINKING PATTERNS will take you to a new height of happiness,success & health! By restructuring your mind you will reconstruct your life
498.         Make a peace pact with UR Golden past, so that U donot spoil UR Diamond Present.
Make full use of this present, so that U donot regret in UR Platinum Future
499.         2 Get UR dreams work:
Be Focused;
Build belief;
Commit confidently;
Act with Inspiration;
Be gratitude 2 the progress;
Go with the flow;
Be detached 2 results;
500.         To discover if your in the right path in your life,
Be quiet, Calm your mind & LISTEN intensely to your HEART MESSAGE.
It will guide you to what your role HERE & NOW
501.         No excuses are worth defending, have the joy of dropping excuses. It will infuse you to your very core and take you to a living of fulfilling your life’s dreams
502.         A Short TOD but rich in meaning:
Think all you speak; Speak not what all you think..
503.         the only difference between try and triumph is a little umph…
504.         Today I will Remind  Myself Often To BE By BEING Non-Judgmental; By BEING-Observant; BEING-Still BEING-Accepting the flow; BEING-Self-Referral; Not BEING Object-referral.
505.         NO ONE CAN TOUCH WORDS;
506.         Appreciate the spoken words
Equally those unspoken words 
incl that of expressions
Not to impress
but to build a relationship 
Caution:Do not misinterpret!.
507.         Can can fulfill your dreams. Cannot cannot
508.         Aware of the fact that the universe operates thro dynamic exchange. Nothing is static. Giving & receiving are diff aspects of the flow of energy in the universe
509.         Life is a school whereat many teachers give lessons & problems as a part of curriculum. It is upto you to learn; pass exams & graduate to next level of learning
510.         In every moment of our existence, we have an access to infinite choices to lead our life. Some of the choices are made consciously, while others unconsciously
511.         Everything that is happening to you in your life at this moment is a result of the choices you have made in the past. Including those choices made unconsciously.
512.         Everything that will happen in future to U in URlife will be a result of the choices U make at this moment. Including those choices U are making unconsciously.
513.         Fish donot try 2 swim-they just swim.
Flower donot try 2 bloom-they just bloom.
Birds donot try 2 fly-they just fly.
Why then many of us struggle?
514.         For struggle free life, we need to BE in a state of living naturally with care & love and effortlessly do less with ease but accomplish more.How to achieve this?
515.         If I feel frustrated or upset by a person or a situation, I am not reacting to the person or the situation, but to my feelings about the person or the situation.
516.         When U R ready 2 tak people,situation & events as they are, U R also ready 2 take respy 4 UR action 2 those situations & events as occurred or created by people.
517.         Every relationship bestowed to me in my life NOW R precisely the ones I need in my life NOW.
There R hidden meaning behind everything 2 serve my own evolution
THOSE WHO DID something BUT NEVER THOUGHT it will be a failure;
THOSE WHO THOUGHT it will be a failure SO NEVER DID it.
519.         Your Happiness not necessarily depends what you get,
It depends more on how that is taken in by you;
And Most importantly....
It depends on what you give to others that are taken happily!
520.         The way people act or events occur can upset & I only choose to feel unhappy about them.
But, I can be aware to see all the GOOD in them & BE HAPPY about them.
Life is what I FOCUS.
521.         U R BEING
Can be considered as
Can be considered as
What do U think?
And What U want to be?
522.         A mirror reflects anew of what comes b4 it at a point of time. Without judgment & holding any images of the past!  Shall I become egoless like an empty mirror?
523.         I am learning to be wiser than a mirror!
Instead of REFLECTING as it is, of whatever comes before me,
I am learning to REVISE everything +vely,
524.         HEART said 2 the EYES:SEE LESS,as U C many things & bring all of them 2 my Attn,I suffer a lot.
EYES replied:FEEL LESS,as U feel 4 everything,U make me cry a lot.
What did they asked 2 BRAIN?
525.         Let whatever happens:When I become defensive;Not taking Respy and start blaming people or situations, I will meet my life with resistance & I end up loosing enormous amt of energy for no gain
526.         3 Frogs falls in a trench & worked to climb up. After some try 2 frogs kept saying, it is impossible to claim up & gave up. The 3rdfrog reached the top. How? He was deaf! Deaf 4 Negative words
527.         If V believe & build unblemished FAITH in anything, nurture the THOUGHTS with a specific HIGHER PURPOSE, pay full attention to act as much NOW & stay PERSISTENT, V manifest & create limitless
528.         A Butterfly flutters around so beautifully & gently touches a flower with its delicate feet to suck the nectar & help in pollination, not because it has to do so; It does so, as its being, BEING NATURAL
529.         CURIOUS TO READ TOD?

530.         I say with certainty that fear, anxiety, doubts & insecurity in relationships haunt certainly those crippled by LOW SELF-ESTEEM. You do not love/trust yourself, whom else you can? What do you say?
531.         Even a stopped/Non working Analogue clock (with standard 12 hr dial face) shows correct time, TWICE A DAY where you live and ALWAYS somewhere in the world No one is ever wrong willingly
532.         Today I will accept UNCERTAINTY as an essential factor in my experiencing the life as I realize that UNCERTAINTY brings freedom; excitement, fun, mystery & spontaneous solutions to all problems.
533.         One can either use their:
a)Intelligence to FIND SOME FAULT in ANYTHING or
Can I BE conscious of the said usage for the diff' it creates?
534.         Story: One partner of a firm said, V had loss of 2 crores. Another partner said, V had a profit of 5 crores. How come? 1st expected 7 crores, Counted missing. 2nd expected Nothing. Counted blessing
535.         A Baby mosquito came back after flying 4 the 1st time. Escaping many hit. His mum asked her, "How do U feel?" She replied, "It was wonderful, everyone was clapping 4 me!" That’s POSITIVE ATTITUDE
536.         Story: One day a fisherman got up early before sunrise; No sunlight to get into sea; Saw a bag of stones; To pass time, started throwing stones into the sea; When Sunlight came, saw that stones are DIAMOND! What is the Moral?
537.         A Bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will be there until it dies, as it will keep finding some way only through thro the sides at the bottom, despite it can escape 4M the top.
538.         They struggle about with all their problems & get frustrated, without realizing that the answer is right there above them. Are many of us live like a bumblebee?
539.         Once all from a villager decided to pray for rain on a particular day. On that day, all people gathered for the prayer. Only one child came with an umbrella. What is that called?
540.         Love & affection,
Joy & Happiness,
Compassion & Care
are few things do not get diminished
when shared!
Can U add more to this list?
541.         Aroma of musk drives the STAG to roam entire forest in pursuit of its source.
Ironically, musk is produced by a gland in its very own navel.
What this means 2U
542.         Joy/Happiness: Is (1) UR Birthright: Claim it (2) UR Respy: Take it (3) Now & Here: Awake it (4) UR Choice: Choose it (5) UR Habit:Cultivate it (6) Energetic: Generate it (7) Contagious: Spread it (8) Within: not out:Find it

543.         Opportunities:
When it knocks, many miss it, only some grab it.
Many more, simply wait for it to knock,
Only few, take initiatives to create their own.
544.         To forgive is to set a Prisoner free.
And to discover & realize that the Prisoner is actually oneself who forgive,
When the resentment, hatred etc are let off
545.         One Breath taken consciously is worth more than a million unconsciously:A Zen saying. How worth to practice to BE CONSCIOUSNESS of every thought,action or deed?
546.         When we avoid a Problem(Call it a Situation) that comes to you or suffering resulting out of that situation, we miss the growth/learning that comes packed with it
547.         Every moment of time, you are creating some thinking or feeling or other actions.
And they are the base for your creating your next moments [or life journey].
548.         When you hold a glass of water in your hand, do you know that longer you hold it continuously, heavier it will be for you, despite its actual weight. What this means to you?
549.         How about leading a LIFE like a Dictionary & Thesaurus providing meanings by everyone who refers to them but gently let them to chose their own suitable meaning
550.         Good thinking. Yes. If u drink the water it MAY become lighter. But actually the Glass do not become heavier.Holding it for a long time make heavier for the hand holding the glass. When U hold it for an hour U get an ache in the arm; when U hold for a full day U get UR hand paralyzed
551.         Life is 10% what happens to you,
90% how you take-on
what happens or what you get.
When you take what you get,
React or Respond,
you make 100% of LIFE.
How you take this?
552.         Likes & Dislikes are Wants; Purposes are Needs.
Do you Subordinate Likes & Dislikes to the Purpose of Life or
Prioritize the Purposes of Life to Likes & Dislikes?
553.         Someone approached Blaise Pascal, the famous French philosopher & said, “If I had our brains, I would have been a better person".
He replied, “Be a better person, you will have best brains”
554.         No matter whom YOU ARE, where YOU ARE & what YOU ARE going through, YOU being YOUR part is in YOUR choice. And YOU only have YOUR choice to let others to participate positively or negatively in YOUR life! Is not?
555.         One never gets mentally disturbed by the events happening outside.
But get disturbed only by the views taken inside on the said events.
Is this true for you?
556.         If your eyes are positive, you will see the world as wonderful
If your tongue is positive, the world will see you as wonderful
So, how do you want to use both the eyes & tongue?
557.         We have 5 senses, but also a HEAD.
We can use head to activate them only to +ve input;
Deactivate them as deaf, dump & blind etc all to –ve input.
But how to do that?
558.         Do you let the key to your happiness stay in other’s pocket & live dependent on them to open the key as they wish or keep it in your own pocket & generate it yourself?
559.         How will you handle a peaceful life with attachment & detachment together? Be attached to the duties but get detached to your outcomes, says Gita. What do you say?
560.         Can you, will you & do you consciously PURSUE every thought that STRENGTHENS your LIFE and can you, will you & do you consciously DROP every thought that WEAKENS your LIFE?
561.         If I am right is there a need to get angry? If I am wrong do I have any right to get angry? Either way do I need to be angry? Matchstick has a head but no brain.
562.         Do you change your originality for the sake of others? Aware that no one can play your role better than you!
So can you be yourself, because whatever you are, YOU ARE THE BEST?
563.         Deepak Chopra:Life may seem Impossible-Miserable-Unhappy without a Person Object or Place V R ATTACHED due to OBJECT REFERRAL arising out of fear & insecurity. Life is blissful when it is SELF REFERRAL & will not seem Impossible-Miserable-Unhappy as, it will be UNATTACHED TO any Person Object or Place
564.         Butterfly flutters happily with the wings it got NOW. No recalls of past as an ugly caterpillar. No knowledge about its death within few days. Do you want to butterfly?
565.         Take an IDEA. Make only that as your Life–Think-Dream-Act on it. Let URBrain-Muscles-Nerves-Every part of your body be full of only that idea:Swami Vivekananda
566.         Do you know WHY if a buzzard, a type of eagle when caged in 6 or 8 ft square with open at the top entirely, in spite of its ability to fly it will choose to remain an absolute prisoner till death?
567.         As a habit,the buzzard begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 or 12 ft. Without space to run, will not even attempt to fly and remain a prisoner for life in the cage WITH OPEN TOP
568.         A person asked a Guru: What is the meaning of life?
He said: There is no meaning of life on its own.
The fact is the Life is full of opportunities.
It is you who create a meaning of your life by your deeds.
569.         A bat cannot take off from a level place. When placed on a flat ground, all it can do is shuffle helplessly-till it reaches some slight elevation to throw itself into the air. Why so? Habit or Nature?
570.         A person felt: “I WAS betrayed. Not able to get over it”.
Guru: Can help one who IS caught in the jaws of a Crocodile. But how to help one who still “imagine, think & feel” that he/she WAS caught? Any answer?
571.         Is the life happenings are deterministic or free will? I think, how you let it happen. Be a spectator, they are deterministic. Be a mover, they are free will.
572.         Our mind is like a piece of farmland, but it is far more fertile, incredible & mysterious, but it works in similar way. What we sow, corn seed or caster seed, will multiply & that is what we will reap
573.         A young lady asked 2 Monks: Pl help me to cross the river, as I do not know swimming.
1st Monk CARRIED her in his back to cross the river.
After few hours, the 2nd asked: How could as a monk you carried a lady on your back?
1st said: I had her dropped long back, How could still you are carrying her (in your mind)?
574.         In life, things do happen or do not happen not Always as we want.
Acceptance of that fact & happening gracefully leads to response in form of tolerance.
Non acceptance of them leads to react in form of anger & despair 
575.         In life, things do happen or do not happen-Not Always as U want.
When you take the life happenings with ACCEPTANCE it becomes +ve emotions.
When you take the life happenings with NON ACCEPTANCE it becomes -ve emotions
576.         In life, you see that Someone do Something, which you did not do.
Non acceptance of that scenario may lead to Jealousy, envy etc
Acceptance of that scenario gracefully can lead to Inspiration
577.         You can be either jealous or inspired when you see greatness of others.
Jealous when you feel BAD abt what it.
Inspired when you realize that you will also Get it, if you really need it–by acting till U Get it.
578.         In life somebody could hurts you unintentionally or intentionally.
Non acceptance of that happening by Staying What Went in the past could results in hatred.
Acceptance of that happening by Moving What Next in the Future could result in forgiveness.
579.         When things happen not to your expectation, it may result in FRUSTRATION – a negative emotion;
When things happen beyond your expectation, you may consider it as MIRACLE – a positive emotion
580.         GROWTH is a CHANGE. In life, they are inseparable. They come when we are willing to GIVE UP who we are, in order to become who we can be, like we GAVE UP crawling to walking & walking to cycling etc.
581.         Be NOBLE Hearted! Also be ABLE Minded! The combination worked for many living legends like Mother Theresa, MK Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Swami Vivekananda in whatever they did. Can you Believe if it work for you?
582.         URbelief only in the creator may not fully help U
To reach up to UR potentials.
Unless, with certain, U believe in his creations
including Urself.
What do U think?
583.         Few like Ambani & NRN started with few ` 1000 to become a World famous organization.How? Started with planting a Y-BY (YOU got2 BELIEVE in YOURSELF) & nurturing with many Peas(i.e Ps).Guess wat Ps?
584.         Positive belief system, Positive thinking & actions, Pessimistic,
Probity, Power-building, Pursuing Dream, Problem solving, Perseverance, People Management, Proactive, Passion,
Perfection, Perceptive, Prudence, Practical
585.         Some mor Ps: Positive belief system,Positive thinking & actions,Pessimistic,Probity,Power-building,Pursuing Dream,Problem solving,Perseverance,People Management,Proactive,Perfection, Perceptive
586.         Any problem has within it an opportunity to Explore, Create, Transform, Enjoy, Learn, Earn etc.
But with a Choice to discover the said opportunity or fail.
And to Celebrate as a Victor or Mourn as Victim
587.         Some are born great, like King in chess, but with less strength. Some are empowered, like queen, bishop etc doing their best. Some, like pawn, by its steady moves can achieve Greatness which is just a few squares away
588.         Out of 700 million sperms 4M UR dad, U had raced towards D 1 egg of UR mom, grown up inside 2 emerge as winner 2 this world. 4M D very beginning U R born 2 Win. How can U forget it many a times?
589.         Every relation might hurt you at some point of time. Whether the Pain or the Person is important for you? Will you forget the pain & forgive the behavior to build relationship with the person?
590.         When a snake is alive, it eats ants. When it is injured or dead, ants eat snake. What this means 2 U? 2 me, it means that when time changes, situation MAY reverse
591.         Do you feel annoyed wit someone because they did not understand what you intended & they make a diff meaning of what you said in words? Do you know you communicate more than what you say in words?
592.         Do you wish to enrich your communication in such a way that it is understood by the person to whom you communicate, both in terms of words and your intention? i.e Words with the Spirit behind?
593.         Do you agree that what you say is not important, what is understood (or communicated) is essential? Do you agree that the meaning of communication is in its effect U make?
594.         Do you know that communication is beyond just the words what you express which includes the body language, hypnotic language, metaphors, meta message etc?
595.         How to communicate is more important than what is being communicated! For that, at FIRST, step into CONSCIOUS STATEfrom an UNCONSCIOUS STATE by becoming aware of not only words but also the body language, etc.
596.         The need to be conscious of your words & emotions not only lies when you interact with others, is also essential when you interact with yourself, ie when you do inter-dialog
597.         What we say matters LITTLE compared to HOW WE SAY IT, no matter what medium we use to convey the words. To communicate with influence it is important that we use our language such that it engages the hearts and minds of the listeners – Sue Knight @ NLP at work
598.         The most important thing in communication is to hear, see and feel what isn't being said by words
599.         YOU CANNOT NOT COMMUNICATE. U always keep communicating thru body language & tenacity, even when U donot mean or want to communicate by choosing 2 remain silent
600.         Silence can be used as a language, only if it will convey what you really want to communicate. Otherwise, choose other ways of communicating.
601.         The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives - Anthony Robbins
602.         The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment - Dorothy Nevill
603.         Speaking harsh words when one can use sweet word is like eating foolishly raw fruits leaving a ripe one on hand.  Thirukural by Thiruvalluvar
604.         Of your unspoken words, you are the master; of your spoken words, you are the servant; of your written words, you are the slave. Your words can make or break a relationship, peace etc
605.         Some Give-up is required to Go-up.
They create ample opportunities to GO-UP!
But with some NO Give-up.
Choose to Give up or NO Give-up for your Go-up
606.         What is yours will become yours, even if it is not with you yet.
What is NOT yours will leave you, even if it is with you right now.
What this means to you?
607.         Every CHOICE you make gives you bitter or better part of your life. The better part of the journey is, that part of the life went past. Now you can make a better choice to move any bitter to better
608.         Our Growth is essential. Materialistic growth is temp. One facet of permanent one is, moving 4M Chaotic Thinking 2 Clarity in Thought. What else they are?
609.         The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just take happily what they have as HIS blessing & make the best use of it towards their endeavors
610.         How to transcend the duality of emotions (Natural Vs Conditioned) we hold (Love & Hate, Happiness & Unhappiness, Forgiveness & Revenge, Likes & Dislikes, etc)?
611.         When 1 door of happiness closes, another 1 or 2 opens. But the problem is many keep looking at the closed door rather than the one that has been opened for them
612.         People often say that motivation doesn’t last.
Well, neither does bathing -
that’s why we recommend it daily.
613.         Can you think of & suggest ONE WORD that relieves the sorrow & pain of the internal world & also nurtures our real happiness & pleasure with the external world - Love
614.         All that we posses are permanent only for NOW.
But may appear to be permanent!
Over a period of time, they leave us & hence all are temporary -
What you say?
615.         U R UR thoughts. U can attach temp or perm only with URthoughts. for example
Even the giddiness, illness, the life situations, problems U go thru are temp.
616.         I realize that no need to see what I had done or what happened to me.
I only need see on what NEXT & remains to be done & ACT with focus, hope & confidence.
617.         Strange but true! I realize that I am more attached to the receiver of what I give than to the giver of what I get. Eg. As a parent, teacher. What do you think?
618.         Are U in conflict with the people whom U love the most?It happens when URlove is tainted with selfishness of expecting something in return, tangible/intangible
619.         Sometimes, I get less than what I Deserve
And get frustrated.
Sometimes, I get more than what I Deserve
And get thrilled
But I understood that:
At “any point of time”,
I get “only” what I am “DESTINED”.
NOW I realize that “over a period of time”,
“What I get equals to what I am Destined & Deserve”.
           So do for all of you? 


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