Nectar that could be make you immortal

Once, the Emperor Alexander heard a gospel message that there is one place in the mid of the Himalaya where there is a flow of nectar, which if drunk, one can live for ever as immortal.

He get a gospel direction to get to the location and when he was about to take a handful of nectar and drink, he hears another loud message, “Donot drink the nectar, though you will live for ever, you will face lot of misery”.

He dropped the nectar for a while, and searched who is saying so. He found it was a crow that gave the loud message.

He asked the crow, “What made you to say so to me?”. The crow replied, “I had drank the nectar long ago and I think I am living for many centuries.

The Emperor, then questioned, ‘Then what made you to caution me not to drink because I may face lot of misery?

The crow explained, “I have seen many generation after drinking the nectar, but then no one is taking me as part of them, because I am old. Despite my attempts to remain as the same old crow, the younger generations do not understand me and they do not appreciate me for my being immortal unlike them”.

What do you think Emperor Alexander did on hearing this?

What would have you done, if you were to get such a change of knowing the nectar that can keep you immortal?
Would have taken buckets and buckets of the nectar, to be shared along with my community to live together with them for ever?


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