Co Operate

*Osho: A journey from ‘I’ to ‘Self’*

The bee has a few beautiful qualities.

First: it moves from one flower to another, it is continuously moving. It never settles anywhere, it never becomes stagnant. It loves the flower but never grows any attachment; it remains free.

That is the way of the sannyasin -- remaining utterly free of all attachment. The moment you become attached to something you become closed to everything else.

The bee is never possessive. It never fights with other bees: "Why have you come to my flower?" On the contrary, the moment the bee finds beautiful flowers, full of juice, it goes back to inform the commune.

The moment a bee discovers some flowers, rather than hiding the fact from others -- which is how the human mind functions... if you discover a treasure you will hide it.
Instead of hiding it, instead of keeping them for itself, the bee runs back to the home, to the commune. It is non-possessive, and it knows all kinds of flowers, all colors, all perfumes; hence it becomes richer and richer in its experience.

And the last but not the least quality of a bee is: it takes the juice of a flower but it never destroys it.

It is so artful that it never hurts the flower at all. It is never violent with the flower. It is not like human beings. The moment you love a flower you immediately pluck it; your love is destructive. It is not love, it is violence; it is hatred hidden somewhere in the name of love.

Be a blissful bee, unattached, always moving, non-possessive, living all aspects of life, all the colors of the rainbow, all the notes of music.

And never be destructive -- be creative. The creative person is a divine person, a holy person.



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