Plant a tree

An old man was planting a mango sapling.

A smartly dressed man, walked up to him and asked what are you planting?The old man replied "a mango tree".The smart guy asked 'How old are you?"The old man said " Maybe sixty-seventy? I’m not sure."The smart guy again asked "How long do you think you will live?"
The old man replied "who knows, its all God’s wish. Maybe a few years at most."
Then the smart guy asked "By planting the mango tree at this age, do you think you can enjoy the fruits before you die?"
The old man then said "So far in my life all the mangoes I have eaten came from trees which I did not plant. My previous generations planted those, so I am enjoying the fruit.
This tree, when I plant, may be others will enjoy the fruit.’

The young man liked the answer and gave the old man a hundred rupee note as a gift.

The old man kept staring at the note. On being asked why, he said
"Normally, a mango tree bears fruit only after 5 years, but this mango tree has borne fruit within 5 minutes".

The young man liked his wit and gave him yet another 100 rupee note as a reward.

Again the old man kept staring at it. On asking him what now, he replied. "Normally, a mango tree gives fruit only once in a year, but my mango tree has already borne fruit twice". 

The young man laughed and went back.

Is it not Man is the only creature on earth who can think not only for himself, but for others as well. 


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