Smart Vivekananda

First Incident -
While Swami Vivekananda was travelling by train, in Rajasthan he was resting in a second class compartment with closed eyes as if meditating.
Seeing Swamiji’s saffron dress and his relaxed composure, two Englishmen started abusing him. They were under the impression that Swamiji did not know English. When the train reached the station, Swamiji asked a train official for a glass of water, in English.
The Englishmen were surprised; they asked Swamiji why he was silent, though he could understand them. Swamiji snapped back,”This is not the first time I have met fools.”
Second Incident -
Swamiji was wandering near the Himalayas some time. In the course of his journey, he came across a river. The boat had already left the shore and he sat near the shore waiting for the boat to come back. As he was waiting he saw another Sadhu, a Siddh Yogi approaching.
The Sadhu saw Swamiji sitting and asked why he was siting.
To this, he replied he was waiting for a boat.
Curiously Sadhu asked, “What’s your name?”
Swamiji replied,”I am Vivekananda.”
The Sadhu said in a mocking tone,”Oh! You are the famous Vivekananda who just thinks by speaking in foreign he has become a great sage.”
“Could you cross this river? See I can cross the water by walking on it” and he demonstrates his power by walking few meters on the river.
Swamiji showing his respect humbly asked,”Indeed its a great power…how much time did you take to get this power?”
The Sadhu feeling proud replied”It’s not easy, I had to bear the tough Himalayas for 20 years, devoted myself to penance and after regular 20 years of extreme Sadhna I got this power.”
To this Swamiji said,”You wasted 20 years to learn something that a boat would help me do in 5 minutes. You could have used these 20 years serving the destitute, the poor. You wasted 20 years, to save 5 min. It’s not wisdom.”


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