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  1. The let go attachment when I do not clinch to it (even mentally) when I do not need it. It is more than de-cluttering or removing thing not needed.
  2. We all are blessed. All are part of the same source
  3. When the dreamer get "attached" to dream, he can not wake up.
    Drop I. Observe.
  4. There can be different consequence to viral invasion to the body. By nature, the body intelligence, immunity may not accept the invasion of the virus in totality. The body will fight with it, if the virus dis-stabilize the physical being. Or body will give up the fight leading to death. Or virus will live without the dis-stabilization of the body. Still these are temporal changes of the nature. So, tune to your innate nature by being observed of the happening......
  5. Accept what you need not change.
    Change what you need not accept.
    Acceptance (without contentment) and
    Change (without contentment)
    is a continuous process
  6. Every prediction is a constructed memory.
    If future happens as per the prediction, let it be coincidence.
  7. Want or need?
    Either way, it is subjective. Perceived by mind....
    Still. Be.
  8. Consciousness and awareness is deified differently by different people at different time. After all they are words.
    To the context,
    In sleep are you (consciousness) 'aware' of your existence? Despite do not you exist? As soon as you wake up or waken up, do you become 'aware' that your existence? Is it not because "the mind is aware" of your existence? So, awareness is mind subject. And you exist, as you perceived in the mind. As a man, with a name, belonging to a culture, nation, bears a name, relationship etc etc
    To me, consciousness is Pure consciousness (Chaduriya) and it is more than awareness. It is the observer. It exist all the time, beyond the awareness. Also in 3 basic state of consciousness : 1. wake 2. dream state, 3. dreamless sleep
  9. Meditation is not sleep, Sleep is not meditation.
    Meditation is awareness without identification.
    Sleep is un-awareness with retention of identification.
  10. Freeing is liberation Freezing oneself with words happens with verbalization.Freezing oneself with images happens with visualization.Both verbalization & visualization are constructed memories.
  11. Thought do come. Let the thought flow without any resistance.
    Mind the mind that thinking about the thoughts.
    Shift focus to mind, the mind to observe the thought and act on now>
    Be on the flow.
  12. To me, It is "no mind the tendencies of the mind".
    by the mind simply witnessing the passing phenomenon
    and to direct it towards the permanent reality/Nirvana/Samadhi
    I learned that
    - With determination and practice, in stages, nirvana can be achieved.
    - During practice period, either observation or attachment happens.
    - Master observe - No mind state. Be state.
    Practicing with determination. Life goes on
  13. why striving for getting rid of something at all? Just be in acceptance, presence and awareness, and it will sort it out by itself.
  14. Desire is a phenomena of the mind. It is the nature of the mind to desire. So i will observe them, not being attached.
    Aware that the Self do not have any desire.
  15. Body and mind is there as awareness right from childhood, even with out being taught.
    Now I am aware of them, not being attached as an identity.
  16. I am aware that I exist. That is the real part.
    I am also aware of the rest that is made up in the head.That is the reel part (drama)
  17. What enters (or leave) body and its consequences are phenomena...
    Let me simply observe them, to come and go....
  18. Both are constructed memory of the futuristic imaginary state. And thinking of self is a mind subject.
    Be Self without mind matter. It is pure and unadulterated state. And it is here and now...
  19. Let the body acted by (super) consciousness than the mind matter.
    .... like the breathing, digestion, excretion, etc that happens mindlessly.
  20. Enlightened one do not say so that "I am enlightened".
    However Truth is one. There is no more or less to it.
    "There is always more truth to be learned"
    need to be rephrased as
    "There is always more learning fill the truth is realized".
  21. Learning includes Learning to unlearn the useless stuff of the mind. When the mind hold nothing, nothing more to be done for enlightenment..
  22. When I meditate, the old useless stuff surface, I let them go and till then I simply observe unattached. It is a process...
    I mean I selectively observe, for the Shift + Del happens on its own.
  23. When I mind, and I identify my shadow as me, I am the shadow.
    When I do not mind, and I simply observe shadow as a phenomena, I am not the shadow.
    Duality is possible only with mind. Else this is that,
  24. Divinity is important to me, than destiny. And, happening is a phenomena.
  25. Mind to drop the body, Meditate to drop the mind too.
    Drop both by getting detached, not paying attention, simply observing them.
  26. Absolute is beyond description either by thoughts or words.
    Any definition of absolute is a concept, idea, opinion of the mind.
    Remains is consciousness.
  27. Zen is Chán or dhyāna or meditation to understand your true nature and become buddhas, by oneself, without being misled by logical thought or language, internal or external.
    There is no standard way to do Zen. You can practice, the way others had done. But then, you discover Zen, by practicing what works for you.
  28. Mind (along with body) is a phenomena, either external or internal, constantly changing. It's impermanent and subjective in nature. It get life only from you..
    What you wear does not become you, unless you mind it.
    The shadow emerging out of you, is not you, unless you believe so.
    Be you. Don't let the mind identify your belonging (be it your name, sex, nation, etc) as you
  29. Self cannot be evaluated. No matter rest, I will observe and work on them, as required as of now.
  30. Pain is a message. And the pain body is outside of me.
    So, as a choice, I do not suppress, but observe the pain.
    I act on as I understand its message..Some time my understanding is poor and work in progress... I continue..
  31. Religion Vs Spirituality: There exists only one. Why an intellectual debate on duality which exist only in mind, the reality vs illusion.
  32. Love is nature. Fear is future and is constructed memory.
  33. Thoughts will come as a flow, to act on. Witness the thought, not get attached to it to become thinking.
  34. Thoughts from That.
    Thinking from This.
    So long we possess body & mind, thought will flow from That. For body or mind to act. When we brood with that thought, thinking by mind matter happens.
    When we happen to see or hear a lion, thought will naturally come to us escape to survive and we instantly we run or fight, if trained. We will act so without any thinking about that thought.
  35. Meaning is a logical interpretation or emotional attachment of the mind
  36. Ego is shadow. It changes on reflection.
    It is impermanent.
    Count on Self than Ego
  37. To me, happy is a state, when I live with no expectations. BE HAAPY, irrespective of any consequence whatsoever comes.


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