
Showing posts from 2022

Point of view



There's a difference between the subjective reality vs objective reality. What's the absolute reality? I keep questioning to enquire, while not concluding either I know or don't know. Is Absolute Reality is Brahma?  Sathya is Nithya and it's absolute. Brahma satya, jagat mithya. 1. Naama and Rupa exist with ishness.. they can't exist without ishness.  2. Ishness do exist without Naama and Rupa. Later is Sathya and former is mithya.  Yet, it's a knowledge acquired from the verses of Brahma Jnanavali Mala by Adi shankara and stored as a data in the mind.  Is it Nothing? Certainly, it's (ishness) not in my experience. So unable to say anything.  So I'm Meditating upon it by observing rather believing it.

donot chase goals of life

Fear of (Psychological) Death

We are aware that one day we will meet the physical death. We might have a fear due to that.  Actually fear is more about the phychological loss we might face than the physical loss (gain) happening everyday.  Loss is in a way, a type of death of the possession, be physical or meterial or psychological 


A boy was taking part in the auction of a bicycle. He started the bid with Rs 11 /- Very soon somebody bid higher but the boy still voiced out his bid as Rs 11 /- Another person bided even higher but the boy continued and said Rs 11 /-. The bid continued going higher & higher, but the boy continued to bid, after every bid by another person, in a louder voice, Rs 11 /-. Others donot (will not) know why the boy's bid was stuck at Rs 11 /-. Guess: Maybe that was the amount he had in his pocket, or maybe that is what he thought the cycle was worth, or maybe it was his whimsical experiment to try and get the cycle at Rs 11 /-. Whatever could be his thinking, what could amaze is, his persistence. His choice is to not be constrained by how the world operated, rather to operate how he saw the world. The sustenance of his idea & not the outcome matters most. By the way, he did not win the auction, obviously not. He did win   was his conviction.

a donkey could do

One day, a donkey past his prime slipped and fell into a well. The well had gone dry and was not too deep, but the donkey could not get out. It started braying from down there piteously.  The owner came and saw what happened. The donkey kept screaming, wanting to get out, fearing for its life. He felt, "This stupid donkey will go on screaming. It is already old and of no use - neither I can put it to work nor sell it. Anyway I wanted to close the well. Let me do it now." So he decided to close the well and bury the donkey alive. With his helpers, started throwing earth into the well. Every time a basketful of earth fell on its back, the donkey shook it off and stepped on top of the pile. As the earth gathered, it kept coming higher up. The moment the helpers filled up one side of the well, it walked out freely.  If donkey do that way ..... 

Os and App

மனம் போன போக்கில்

மனம் பற்றிய புரிதலுக்கு பொதுவாக சொல்லப்படும் கதை ஒன்று.  ஓர் அரசனுக்கு திடீரென்று இரண்டு கண்களும் குருடாகிவிடுகின்றன. மலைஉச்சியில் உள்ள சஞ்சீவி மலையில் உள்ள மூலிகையைக் கொண்டு வந்து பிழிந்தால் தான் அதைக் குணப்படுத்த முடியும் என்று சொல்லப்பட்டது. அந்த சஞ்சீவி மலைக்குச் செல்ல மலையடிவாரத்தில் உள்ள தேவதை வழிகாட்டினால்தான் முடியும். அந்த அரசனுக்கு மூன்று குமாரர்கள். அதில் முதலாமவன் "நான் கொண்டுவருகிறேன்' என கிளம்புகிறான். அவனுக்கு வழிகாட்ட தேவதை ஒரு நிபந்தனை விதித்ததாம்."நான் உன் பின்னால் வருவேன். நான் இடது பக்கம் திரும்பு என்றால் இடது பக்கம் திரும்ப வேண்டும். வலது பக்கம் திரும்பு என்றால் வலதுபக்கம் திரும்ப வேண்டும். எக்காரணத்தைக் கொண்டும் நீ நடப்பதை நிறுத்தக்கூடாது. நடந்து கொண்டே இருக்க வேண்டும். எது நடந்தாலும் பின்னால் திரும்பிப் பார்க்கவே கூடாது' என்பதே அந்த நிபந்தனை. முதலாமவன் நடந்து செல்ல தேவதை வழிகாட்டிச் சென்றது. திடீரென்று பின்னால் வரும் தேவதையின் சலங்கை ஒலி கேட்கவில்லை. "என்னாயிற்று?' என்று தன்னையறியாமல் முதலாமவன் திரும்பிப் பார்க்கிறான். நிபந்தனையை மீறிவி

மனம் இரண்டு வேண்டுமா?

இரண்டு மனம் வேண்டும் இறைவனிடம் கேட்பேன் நினைத்து வாழ ஒன்று மறந்து வாழ ஒன்று  *ஒன்றே போதுமடா*  நினைக்க தெரிந்த மனமே உனக்கு மறக்க தெரியாதா?

You are incharge of your emotions

Meditation is about watchfulness

Meditation is about watchfulness   Osho said here that during meditation, don't ask verbally "who am I?"  It must be a vague (unclear, hazy) idea, like a thirst. The question should have no words. This way, the mind will not answer.  Let the question be a feeling that settles inside you. Without words you are entering an innocent space. The deeper you go, the more blissful the silence is. Not knowing oneself makes life meaningless.  You can watch breath and thoughts moving inside with watchfulness (awareness). Don't get lost into what you are watching. But be watchful. Slowly, the watcher becomes more and more solid, stable and unwavering. A transformation happens. The things you were watching disappear. The watcher, itself, becomes the watched. You have come home!


1.  Now-here all the time 2. The power of no mind.  

5 baby cries


  If a man is crossing a river And an empty boat collides with his own skiff Even though he be a bad tempered man He will not become very angry. But if he sees a man in the boat, He will shout at him to steer clear. If the shout is not heard, he will shout again, And yet again, and begin cursing. And all because there is somebody in the boat. Yet if the boat were empty, He would not be shouting, and not angry. If you can empty your own boat Crossing the river of the life, No one will oppose you, No one will seek... Courtesy:  Ratnesh Mathur

Impression and Expression

I/me, you, we, you, mine, yours, ours and everything we see, hear, feel etc are temporary expression of impression of the mind.  Situatuons arising out of a cause, the effects arising thereafter, considered as Good or bad and the emotional reactions, considered as pleasant or unpleasant, shall pass through. Because, all these are subjective realities . What remains is life. Stay This too shall pass.